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So far, here is what the character look like.

You'll have 3+int Skill point

And 2+cha SexSkill point to give her.

you can't give more than one point to a stat at creation and upgrading a Skill with no Dot (not class skill) cost 2 skill point. Meaning you can't give those Skill a point at creation!

Here is the Skill Description:

 Arcana : Resume the knowledge about magic and magic creature of the character. How well did the character understand magic effect, what spell is used by enemy mage, etc etc

 Appraisal: Serve you to find the price of an object (what cost what) and evaluate someone behavior and psychology

Bluff: Serve to lie, bluff someone and also to change someone mind with words. It also cover the Disguise without magic

Crafting : Your ability to craft and create object. But also to repair and endomage machinery

Lore- Local : Local knowledge, who sell what, how to find something, what is local governament, and monster. How well do you know the world aroudn you

Lore - Criminal World : Who is the gang leader, being able to recognize famous criminal, know where to sell stolen things, etc etc

Perception: ability to notice things in your surrounding, and if people are telling the truth or not

Stealth: ability to be discrete, move undetected, being able to stay silent and unnoticed

Thievery : Skill to rob and stole without detection, open lock  and Pick Pocket someone


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