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So, i didn't posted last time, cause exept a lil change and the Add of the "Cumslut" Trait, not a lot was changed there.

but it's the occasion to talk system, and what is the Submission - dominance - perversion and Purity system

Submission and Dominance are  two variable that ll change the fate of a will dice roll.

i explain myself, if you got 2 point in Submission, and after a decision, someone with Dominance point Order you something, you'll have to resist it with a Will Roll.

It will be D20 + will - your submission level, against 15+dominance of the opponent

If you give an order, it ll be Your passive dominance that the opponent ll have to fight.

Those score only happen in case of sexual BDSM order type, it reflect the will of your character, and how much is she trained to surrender to dominant personalities.

Perversion and Purity are two different thing. To resume, in the adventure, you'll encounter things, creatures, situation that ll mark the character. Like Litteraly, a mark on the soul. Some creature won't talk to you if your level of Perversion isn't high enough, and other ll refuse to talk to talk to you if your perversion is too high. Purity work the same. The two don't  change the level of the other stats, cause they're different type of marking. In that case, you could encounter a Demon that won't talk to you unless you're at lvl 4 in perversion, but once it happened, ll still refuse to talk to you cause you reach lvl 3 purity too.

The system is made to force a char to choose a path, and try to have minimum interaction with the opposite one. Still perversion and Purity are not linked to bad, good, Law or chaos,  it's more a sexual scale from Nun to Succubus. And the both can mix cause, a Young succubus, could want a single partner, and a Nun being a complete Slut in the inside.

Voila, if you have question, don't hesitate to ask!



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