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So, i just have the shadding to do, but here is the thing

I go tomorow for a 6 days trip, and come back only sunday night!

So i won't be able to finish it till tomorow.

I mean i could rush the color, but i think this one deserve better than this!

So what i ll do is do one or two more kinky draw of sister Jeanne today, lay them for a drop later this week, so you'll have something to lust for ;D

then i'll resume and finish this one next week!

Friday there's also the next Monthly picture poll, ll writte it right now, but you won't have it front of you till the end of the week.. OMG i'm talking into the future


For the trip, and if you're interested, ui'll go to disneyworld! then go to Paris meet some of my fellow french smutt drawer !

Anyway see you soon !




coming =), but i wanted to make it a sort of comics this time, a bit like last time, and it took me sometimes to write it while working on other stuff. Once i finish the monthly sketch it's the next project i start working on =)