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Aaaand another Mulan bondage pic! Was  doing a warm up, but failled totally, so was so upset i just remade a new whole draw on the concept x)

so here it is, a bit more of Mulan BDSM

In this one, after the fight with Shan Yu, our Heroin end severelly wounded... well jumping from the top of a castle while the whole building explode isn't the most effective way to survive a battle.

Anyway, unable to live like before, the emperor propose her a place as one of his concubine in his Harem.

Mulan gladly accept, and even with her severe wound, once recovered, she become one of the beautifullest addition to the emperor garden!


Tell me if you want me to keep writting small stories with all those pictures

it kinda help to create a background to a picture, to set the whole thing, so i do it for myself anyway, but if you like it just tell it =)

ll add more in the next (with my poor english garble)




I like the little story going with it x3 First I thought it was a follow up to the one where she offers a sword haha