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I promised you peoples a tale about my recent and awesome adventures, and why i didn't posted a lot those last weeks

My mother went to Spain, to visit her familly (technically it's mine too.. but well). During her visit, she allowed me to go to her house, at the campaign, with friends. Spending time together, visiting places, playing game and living lot of adventures!

 We took our cars, travelling like wind on the Highway of France! 

In fact i didn't get to the house in one ride. On first day i travelled to the friend who would drive us to the place. We spend some quality time, had a lot of talks, then after a long night, we started our road

Meeting some old Ruins of South France in the process

Finally we reach the house, we spend time here, with a third friend we had gathered on the way to the house.

We spend first night playin some games

When the friend be gone to bed, i just retake some of my sketchbook i had forgotten at my mom's house last time

dunno if i showed you this one before?

After several days of visit and procrastination, that ended with a barbecue (that took us several hours, just to gather the wood to light it (we were out of coal)

Then we went back home.

The original plan was to go on early afternoon, ouf driver would let us at a train station at his city, and we would use the train to get back. I had to pay for both ticket cause my second friend was kinda short, we had 4 hours to do 200 KM, and reach the train Station, before going back home, with a one hour train travel. Simple isn't it?

It didn't worked well. Like 1 hours after we left the house, the car started to show some sign of problem. The engine kept sending warning of overheat. We tried to stop, add water to the radiator, but ended with a sort of Geyser effect, cause the cooling didn't worked anymore and the water just boiled inside. 

We waited, but only 10 minutes after we started, the car started to slow, the engine emit more and more smoke, and after 1 more mile just shut down, unable to restart. We managed to reach the border of the highway.

I walked for 2 km to the next emergency phone and called  the service, they quickly send us some Tow Truck. But we were at miles of our objective, and the time it came it was certain we had loose our train, meaning i had spent the money on it for nothing.

Finally, someone our driver knew in the city could came gather us, and be kind enough to drive us to the driver's home. From there we took his job car and he deciced to hit the road for us and lay us at home.

The whole travel took us 7h for a total of 295 km. not my best record

Voila the reason of my silence the last days, and the fact i didn't been productive at all this week, was kinda dead when i went home ^^

Sorry for all.

The program is simple for the future, tomorow ll lay the vote for the patreon raffle

and the next day for the patreon monthly sketch.

While this, i'll keep drawin on commission and give you more smut to fap on!

If you liked those sort of slice of life message, just tell me, would love to provide more =)

thanks for reading so far

see ya guys



Manquerait plus qu'un psychopathe qui vous chasse dans les bois et ça aurait fait un bon film hehe


A part la fin, ça semblais être une belle adventure