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Here we go


Started the elite pictures just to be sure i don't get more late, good news, i was supposed to go at the end of the month, but we might just push it, my sister goes somewhere for her hollidays, and i'll wait a bit that she come back to go visit her.
What does it means for this week, i'll continue the Elite while working on a 40k themed comm comics. For the CYOA of Yrliet, i'll push it back to early July, and focus on urgent matter, so, the comm and the rewards. So it's the program this week, more sketch of tities!

Patreon things

Patreon sent us a note sayin the previously announced change in ToS ll be live now.
basicly it inform you that if you do graphic type patreon thing in the NSFW theme, like, using video and or pictures, you have to be able to proove that the character is adult and that she or he give you the right to use their image
SO i had sent a mail to patreon, and basicly they told me, if you do character that aren't based on someone IRL, so any character of fiction, it's ok.
So if you draw Padme Amidala showing her boobies is ok... but drawing Nathalie Portman dressed as Padme wouldn't be?... (if you don't unsertand the jokes, she 's the actress that played her and her design is basicly, draw Miss Portman)
Anyway corporation doing corporate stuff.
TBH, recently an artist i love the style and work, Saneperson, got their patreon nuked. One more to the pile. At this point, we talk with other artist and we're just wondering when it's our turn coming.
So, dunno if any patreon staff would even read this, or care, but thanks for giving us, artist that stayed loyal to this site, more dread and fear of the future, in a job that is notoriously known for it lack of insurance in tomorow X)
Yeah.. fun, well the subscribstar is at least working and live, so i guess if here get nuked I 'll still not go back to square 1 ?
To be fair, should be ok, i make often, more with commission than i do with patreon, to be honest i would make more money if i focussed on patreon and dump the whole rewards.. so why i don't do that?
because i like having a clear amount of money droping each month.
Can sound stupid if you have a day to day job, but, just, being sure the patreon money drop at each 1st of the month does wonder to ease my quick to stress mind.
So in the end, this new thing don't really concern me, i think it's mostly to cut down those H games using photo of porn star without their consent.
Still it raise more uncertainty. Wonder what the future ll be for me and the other adult artists.

Lack of memories

I might go to the doctor soon, recently i noticed it was harder and harder to remember stuff, loosing a bit of focus on things, harder to concentrate
Personally, i think it's stress and fatigue, i often feel over tired
Maybe also my lack of physical activity, i kinda stopped to go to the gym last 2 month, trying to motivate myself to go back, but, a bit hard.
A good part, a friend might join me and go to the same gym as I, and if we do, might be what i need to get there more often.
i tend to do things more seriously when there's at least another person doing it with me.
Anyway, don't worry i'll take better care of me in the coming weeks
i wanna die an old man, in my bed, a wine glass in my hand and.. wait.. isn't that Tyrion Lanister's wish? D=

Thanks for reading this far

and c ya soon!


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