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Aaand let's go (late) again


One comm done 3 to go, working on one more sketch comm atm, and started the rough and sketching of the 2 other, good chance that i finished at least all the sketch comm for this week end and advanced well on the comics one.
Trying to keep a steady and calm advance.

Rogue trader:

Finished Rogue trader, for good, this time!
This game was, frustrating, as much as loved, in my case.
i played act 1 at the beta phase, then when game went out played it whole until bugs pilled up around act3 and went so horrible that at act 4 i was just unable to finish any companion quest.
So i leaved and waited 1 month worth of patch
Went back, did a new character, and had a soft block that made me unable to advance mid act 4
So waited a few more weeks
3rd attempt, this time playing a chaos character, and in act 5 , last one, so many bugs that half my companion stories were impossible to finish, so i just stoped again for 4 whole month
Restarted the game recently, played there and there, only a few hours a week, but finaly, this time, i completed it for good, with a dogmatic character!
So, yeah was frustrated... but in the same time, i love this game a lot.it's a really fun and lovable experience, and best of that, for a RPG, the RP part is here!
Quasi all characters are interesting, cool to interact with, even the ones that we could find blend have layer of personalities that you can discover over the course of the adventure.
Was surprised how impactfull you can be on them.
Heinrix became a quite softie, still haunted by his action, but open to his human side in one run, and in my last dogmatic one, a cold hearted creature. Able to sacrifice anything to reach his objective, with no remorse.
Really love how different the builds are, my 4 characters in total were all completly different type of creatures, From the psyckers of support, the maniacle close combat commissar, the psychotic heavy weapon specialist and the Flame psyckers dual wielding a flamer and a sword, each played different and deadly!
I'll wait for all DLC to be released to redo a run i think.
Still i know i'll get back, still love the game! Today is also the release of last dlc for Pathfinder wrath of the righteous, so, gonna play this one in the close future =D

End of the month:

At the end of the month, my brother ll hit 30 and my young nephew 10, their respective birthdate are quite close, so we often make a birthday party for both, so gonna go a few days in the end of the month.
the dates aren't decided yet, should know next week, just don't be surprise when i say i'll be gone for 3 to 5 days when we reach this point =D

That's about it

Thanks you for reading this far, if you still are, and c ya soon!



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