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Hey everyone let's start


I finished the monthly picture 51 rough, starting the sketch today, should be able to finish or tomorow or friday, as said on it, been a long time i wanted to draw this char, gonna take my time to be sure it's cool.
then, this week end ll advance on commission, one 40k picture, and might have a smaller sketchy ones to do to, not sure yet
that said, not a week with a TONS of pictures, but with big ones =D

(note : at first i wanted to show a picture of Taimanin Asagi of one of the girl, Sakura with enormous BOOBS to illustrate big one, then i told myself, come on... it's low level daddy jokes, still, fun)

A blog?

As i was typing here i made myself the note that, in a way, the way i write here is quite close of what i would in a blog.
Started on a skyblog in 2005, those were my first post of draw back then. Funny enough, at the time i had a friend that was quite known, i proposed her my own shity drawing and we ended in one art community, the Guerri"art back then, we grew in popularity (not huge nombers, but for us at the time was big!) ended with a forum and many fans.
What blew up was the first trolls and haters in the early internet era. Back then didn't knew how to deal with such, and ended terminating my blog. I actually removed all and gave it to a friend of the time. Sadly i loose contact with her, and even more sadly this lil part of internet is dead for good
BUT : https://web.archive.org/web/20230809151719/https://darkminou.skyrock.com/
Wayback machine is able to do grave digging
so if you're curious you can find that, NOTE, i had just posted a couple of time, the rest was from my friend
Wanted to actually see if i could find her back, issue is, she is the type to change of name 10 times by year (at the time) she went from Rock'n art, Darialala and last i could go was Gaia Patatras
researching that made me think of this theory of "shitification" of internet.
that over time site become less and less interesting as they start first to try to be more and more interesting for companies more than for user, and in the end , end being shit for everyone, as the user stop using it and the companies don't like it and qui too.
well google is clearly the same, seeking Gaia Patatras + dessinatrice just get me 100 link about books neo hippie about how to unlock your artistic potential through gaia...
so a bit far from the search.
Looking for her at one point become more amusing than actually finding her. It's a bit like if i was a private detective looking for someone from my past.
just wanted to see if she kept in the drawing part. She deleted most of her previous blogs, and further i could find of her is a cojoint blog, stopped in 2011, and a name on a video in youtube, showing she was the one shooting in for a music group.
Still, i'm curious to know, just if she kept at it.

(here one of the drawing she had made for my blog back then in 2008)


Went to cinema last week end with some friends, we went to see Mondays (comme un lundi in French)
It's a japanese movie, and to resume, it's Ground hog day in a company.
But it's quite more than that, let's resume it (without spoiler)
The movie follow one woman that work in a small advertising company, they're only 7 boss included into it. The life goes, everyday being the same as the last... until 2 of her coworker start to show her sign that.. they're in a timeloop. Every week start, it's always the Monday 5 october, whatever happen, after the sunday, it's a loop that restart, they're reliving the same week over and over, the same contract with the same company, the same delay etc etc.
And it took them so long to notice because... well... they're salarymen... each week is the same loop or not X)
So the movie is a comedy, about work evironement, really clever sometimes, really fun at other, it's not THE MOVIE of the year, but clearly one i highly recomand, made me laugh, made me think a bit and made me not regret the movie ticket, wich is a thing that happen a lot lately XD.
so if it still is in your local movie theatre, go take a look!

That's about it, thanks for reading this far
and c ya soon!


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