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Hoy Everyone, let's get started


Started working on CYOA episode 2, should be done today or tomorow, had planned at first to work it on sunday but ended doing a tutorial and some sketch correction for a friend, so pushed it back this week
once done we ll work on the Patreon reward =)
might also do some quick sketches about a friend character with Gnarby, she drew her girl asking our Goblin CEO for a raise and i kinda want to give it a proper answer X)

Fleas war:

So if you read last time, i had a flea invasion at home, so where is it going.
I did a first sweep (and took the occasion to clean the whole flat) and killed most of them, and for 1 days didn't saw any.. exept my new roomate bring her cat with her, and 12 h later the cat had a flea jumping out of head directly on my roomate leg, so, it's not solved
We gave the cat some anti flea medecine, say let it act for 48h to be sure all flea on cat are dead.
So tomorow i'll do a second attack on the flea HQ
I think most are deads, but still, don't want to give them any chance to regroup, my ankles are full of tiny red bite mark and it take a shit tons of willpower to not scratch my leg every 10 s
So, i think i'm winning the war, but it's far from being done!
Damn, i love Helldivers2, but playin it IRL isn't as fun D=<

The machine age

My lil pleasure recently is playin last DLC of stellaris.
For those who dunno i got a deeeeeeep love for Paradox space 4x Stellaris. It's complex, ask you to deal with a lot of details, but damn it's FUN!
basicly it add a tons of features to tech and building, making the Mid game more interesting, and some new mechanics, like now, you can play religious zealots science wanabe.. yep, you can play the adeptus mechanicus in game X)
So it's what i've done, and so far it's a blast.
To understand, stellaris is one of those games where you decide your own goal. There's a "end" but out of scenario like purging the whole galaxy of all life, it's just "reach year this and look at scoreboard" (knowing you set the end date at each new game yourself)
But now, the new techs and stuff kinda make the endgame quite funny to look around once more. You even have one more endgame crisis.
So far you had the totaly not tyranid galaxy wide invasion, the totally not mass effect Reapers and the totally notEldritch from lovecraft type of outer dimension attack
Now we got the Totally not C'Tan from 40k too to join the party X)
fun fun fun =D
anyway, to quote one of my priest leader "from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me"

That's about it!

Thanks for reading this far, if you still are

and c ya soon!


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