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Aaand late again, anyway let's go


Working on the Monthly 50 atm, halfway through, might be out today. Wanna test something more close to what i proposed to some monthly patreon rewards, and see how it look in the end.
It's the one about widowmaker and tentacles!
Once done i still have patreon rewards and a comm, and we're closing to the end vote for the cyoa, so what i do next could be any of those, or continue a pic for me i started some time ago.
We ll see. Not the monhtly 51, that one i keep for the end of the month!
So less a program than an area of thing i might do

Back with fleas:

So, recently i had some.. let's say to stay polite, bad stomach issues, that lead to me not able to do full nights. Made me increasely tired and ended with the lack of content of last week.
I got better, i can now eat things without risk of seeing me rush to the WC in the couple of hour. But it was a bad moment.
And i noticed another issue.. i have fleas at home.
Well i don't own a cat anymore my roomate is gone and it's only since i came back from my travel, so my ideas is while i was around in the pampa i must have snugle a bit of those parasit and they hatched home.
It's not a lot, but i had suspicion cause i hade some scratch on the legs and today i catched a couple on my leg when i wore a cargopant.
First of all, Yeah for the cargo pants.
second.. HEUUHEjfejfn^znfz^f!
Well good luck, most site i saw are more or less on the same page about, with no animal at home they won't be able to reproduce, so gaz them and should be good for some time.
Issue, new roomate got a cat and come here this week end with the beast X=
I'll call her see if she can put him somewhere the time it resolve itself, and buy some anti flea stuff while i'm at it.
But damn, darkminou have fleas.. i prefer to make the joke before you guys do
It kinda made me paranoid, each time i feel the faintest breeze on my leg... As i write this line catched one more.
On the other way, i had a cat before and once he catched fleas.
So i remember putting my feet in the area they were often meant 10 would jump on you, so, finding only 3 after hours, is a kinda good sign, they're not a freakin lot so far.
All said, might be me just using a lot of Copium to survive the shit.

My lil world

over time, the need to make my own comics, even a small webtoons, grow more and more. I think it's also cause i age up, i won't be here forever, now at the edge of 40 (3years from it still), i contemplate that, i'm not immortal.. i mean, we all know, but at one point it start to be more visible.
I wanna tell my stories while i'm in good health and able to work a lot on it. Making it a habbit.
I mean, i don't want to throw everything, but, just make my own lil universe more visible. Good chance a lot of you won't like it once it's made, or not go on board with the story i wanna told. But, i think it's ok if i keep doing my other stuff on the side.
it's just that i wanna do my own stories in my own universe for once, and not just a drawing or two at random time to time.
I already got some of the first pages in mind, got rough sketch there and there on my sketchbooks, etc etc, all i need is take an afternoon to put it on paper, at least the skeleton of it.

that's about it

Thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon


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