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So... First there's 2 types of peoples reading this right now

The oldies, who mihgt be like "Oh we bring back LoG?"

and the more recent, and the one with bad memories who dunno what it is.

It's simple, i am a bit a game addict. I try a lot of personal discipline to make me work with efficience. But i had a habbit to never finish a game for a long time, so i decided to create Lord Of Games.
Principle is simple. If i wanna play, sure, but i gotta finish it, and, i got to draw something!

So it's why we are here, i'll resume a bit what i did in my game campaign, and let you vote about it!

Here we will resume the campaign briefly, for who want to know a bit more about the character, the game and what happened, then there will be another post to vote.
When do i deliver the draw? Well i used to do it when i had time, it's not a CYOA, it's more a personal project allowing me to draw characters i like from game i loved ^^
But i'll try to finish it within next two month.
Might be a sketch with colours, ll depend of the mood atm ^^

If curious about old ones, i Tagged this post with Lord of games tag, so, click on it to see the oldies!


Total War warhammer. It's a strategy and gestion game. Separated in 2 major gameplay. First you're on the world map, you have to assume the gestion of your empire, build base, create armies, manage your economy and diplomacy etc etc.
When a battle between two armies happen you can, or , auto resolve, or, do it yourself, manually, taking hand of the units on the ground and dealing with strategy on a new battle map.
There's 24 different races, each having from 2 to 6 factions in it. So, a LOT of replayibility as each factions play quite differently from each others.

The character


To resume, she is from the Empire (imagine the Holy Roman German Empire arouns the 15th century (and if you dunno what it is, good opportunity to learn isn't it? =D ))
And she is a powerfull mage of DEATH.
Not necromancy, no, death, she is the type of mage that make sure the undead STAY dead. They call her the grave rose.
She is the Duchess of Nuln. Nuln is the city of scholar and gunpowder, there the ingeneer of the empire harness the power of steam and fire to create canons and steam tanks.
Her faction can become quite APOCALIPTIC around the endgame! Specializing into DELETING from afar anything. Wich is good, cause the empire is notoriously known for it lack of strong battle line X)

My Campaign 

Campaign was set in Hard difficutly

My Campaign start simple, my starting province full of undeads, a minor faction first, easy to deal with.
Then a bunch of Orcs the didn't take the memo that it was MY CITY they were raiding.
After a bunch of turn and those easy victories, Vlad attacked.
Vlad Von Carstein is another piece, strong AF, able to raise dead at a quite worying rate, one of the best duelist in the game. Is faction is simple, Trash mobs, middle tier monsters, lot of flying units, SUPER strong magic, and lord and heroes so powerfull they actually are the type that delete hundreds of mens on a whim. All are undeads, so it make your own men moral wavery.
Vlad come with his wife, Isabella, as beautifull as she is thirsty. She is almost as strong as him, and compensate her lack of power by even better defense in melee, so, hit not as hard, but tank way more

Campaign against Vlad was all but easy, started strong, 3 of his best armies against my two only armies and a city defense guard. It was actually an hard fought battle, and in the end only Elspeth, her ingeneer in chief, 12 gunmen survivors of their unit slaughter, and 2 vampire lords, Vlad included, remained on the battlefield. Elspeth had used all her wind of magic (mana) and was used to kite Vlad while the gunmen made their best to kill him from afar.
By miracle it worked, but just by a margin. And i loose no units, when the dire wolves manages to get through my battleline to attack my rocket batteries, i tough i would loose my artillery, but they managed to survive this and flee the battlefield.
I had to act quick then, The Vampire can raise armies faster than anyone, even more when they are close to BIG battlefield such as one now close to my city. So i leaved an army here to make sure no vampire lord came to raise the deads, and sent Elspeth to the attack. Took me 30 turn to take down the vampires, i managed to slip through and attach directly their main base, Castle Drakenhoff, and take it for me. It gold mine really did wonder to my economy, then i used my two armies as hamer and hanvil, and finished the bloodsuckers!

It was time to expand, and the North was in control of the Emperor Karl Franz, now a close ally, i sent one army help him destroy a few chaos factions, and headed south with the rest of my forces. Ogre where getting loose on the local Dwarven allies in their mountain.
They were actually dealt with strengh and efficiency. Only 5 turns destroyed their whole paper tiger empire, the reason appeared clear.. Skarsnik, a goblin chief had taken all the old dwarven mountain kingdoms and was now getting closer to my borders. The ogre dealt with he declared War on me.
on the west, the Pirate Undeads of Aranessa, a piratess queen, attacked my newly liberated cities.

I split my forces in two, one half to protect the remnant of the dwarves allies and my new cities from the Orc and goblins
Elspelth went west to deal with the salty pirates.
They had taken down the kingdom of Tilea. But my armies were strong of new gunpowder magic infused units and that, the undead don't LIKE at all.
Aranessa made a mistake by landing her forces too far to support each others, so i hit them one after the other and directly attacked their colonies. Took me only 8 turns to take them whole once their armies crushed.
Good, cause the Goblins were getting problematic.

They could used old Dwarven empire tunnels to bypass my troops. So in mountain pass they had the advantage, forcing me to play defensive, always an army behind in case they jump under my armies directly to my cities.
Was a Long and tiresome campaign. On battleground i had the advantage, but the orcs started to use more and more hog cavalry, and those ones were the doom of my artillery and weak line, not impossible to win, just quite hard.
I kept some of the mountain holds, but to assure my alliance with all the powerfull dwarven kingdom remaining, i gave back to them most of thei old stronghold. That assured me ally that would hold my east border against the orcs and chaos dwarves, and better, made me able to recruit powerfull dwarves frontline to protect my gunpowder infused nightmare rain of fire.
Even with this, took me 30 more turns just to take the 10 hold of Skarsnik, all because i had to be carefull to not let any Gobo or orc escape through mountain tunnels.
ONCE they manage to hop over two armies, reclaim 3 cities and force me to stop my advance and walk back to eradicate this new enclave. Quite a frustrating buttsex technique Skarsnik... Wich is actually exactly how you play lore wise, so.. good job i guess

Once the orcs dealt with, Squeek head taker, a Skaven chief attacked me. His battle were tricky, skaven when they attack can, if they're lucky, ambush you, that would mean the END of my artillery if he did so, as he would manage to attack them first. So i had to play tricky, ambuch them back, hide in cities, etc etc
play tricks to the trisckter. And their machinery of war were quite good too! Actually the studies of their technique made me able to upgrade my own stuff quite a lot! My faction work like this, after a battle were i used my techs, i win date sheets, that i can use to upgrade my gunpowder and steam roaster. Making them even MORE lethal.
Skaven are ratmen, and damn, they live for their name, Squeek sent me hordes of slave shit tier units to hold me at bay while he was crafting deadly weaponry armies. Once i was attacked by a roaster with no infantry, 10 units of unicicle chainsaw motorscooter and packs of rat ogre. That one was actually tricky, cause those scooter don't take the artillery fire that hard.
But in the end i managed to finaly bring them down.

Campaign was almost done, my biggest ennemies were down, i cleaned the badlands of the few orc tribes remaining, then went west, clear the Skaven city of Skavenblight down for good, ally the High elves in the process, and then... The wood elves attacked me.
Why? Because they wanted my dwarves pal lands, and my alliance bring me in.
Wood against rain of fire... They won one battle against one my settlement... only one. Then my armies arrived, and lets say, the pointy ear learned to respect Imperial snipers the hard way.
And that was the end
At the moment i stopped, i heard the chaos dwarves were creating problems, they called of the wake up of their god Ashutt...
I might go back in this campaign to do the end of time event to try it with my armies, but that's just for me ^^

The vote for the picture ll be held HERE

Was nice telling my campaign like that. I do it only for me, but, if you enjoyed it, i'm glad!
So if you have read this far, thanks a lot! =)



Seems like you were able to have some fun with your game, it's always interesting to see what you've been playing/watching