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Hoy lett's go


Got 2 comics commission , started working on the first one, and once done ll jump on the second
i plan to finish the gobi pic i did tomyself too and maybe sketch a bit my goblins along the week or my sister of battles, not sure whom.
I just want to draw more for myself time to time, it's not healthy to deprive me to draw stuff i like too often.
Once those two page comics done i'll do the monthly sketch of widowmaker, then the rewards once again!
Let's get this baby moving


Saw 6 out of 8 episode of the Fallout show so far, enjoyed it, it's fun, and even if there's tiny date mashup, i don't think it's a bad thing all in all. The show i mean.
I come from a time that video games adaptation was Super Mario Brothers the movie (wich is a movie that i still love with all my childhood memory power).
So, it respect the material, understand it well, it works.
I hope it make bethesda move their asses to propose a GOOD fallout game next time.
Let's hope .
Walton Goggins steal the show, but i loved him since i saw him first in Shagai Kidd as a kid.
Damn the guy always only play half mad cowboy in movies and show it seems XD. Heard he was in Forever Young too, a movie i loved a lot when i was a kid. Was one of my mom movie, she only had 4, Flashdance, Dirty Dancing, Ghost and Forever Young. Yeah, half of it is Patrick Swayze ^^
Anyway to go back to fallout, good show, dunno if everyone ll get on with it, but as far as it go, i think it's a good show AND a good adaptation. It's rare to have the both at the same times XD

The moving:

My roomate is finishing packing things right now. New one ll move in the 12th.
It's a bit sad, we had a good relationship. I just hope next one ll be as fun and merry as this one was.
I live with a roomate for 2 reason, one, i love my flat but can't afford it alone.
Second, being an artist is a lonely job, i got friends but they have their own things, so i'm often alone working. Discord and art community help, you can go in and talk while you draw, sense of community and all, a bit like working in the same room.
But i like human interactions, a roomate is at least that 1 or twice a day XD
Don't find it sad, i got a good life, lot of loving ones, see friends ona regular basis, just like to have a regular interaction with humans being.
Came from a crowdy family, always a brother, sister, cousin at home. The rare moment you were alone were precious. But growing up i came to miss all this agitation ^^

That's about it, thanks for readin this far, if you still are

and c ya soon!


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