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as it's Saturday, shorter weekly talk ever! XD


This week end ll be for the CYOA with Yrliet and Got'ity, AKA monthly 49 and 50 together!
Started working on it already, wanna keep it in B/W with some clean lines to change... at least cleaner lines XD
We ll see how it end =D
Idea is 2 panel each page, it's a limitation i wanna put me in, to see how i can advance with that.
Then i'll start to work on 2 comics commission i got, but that would be next week!

Holliday back:

So i'm back from my holliday,
First, thanks for your patience, was first time in years i took one and was a bit worried, 10 days of quasi silence, tough half of you would be gone D=
That said, was nice, really nice to see everyone. Wasn't out of issue. For those who don't know, my uncle, wich i was fairly close, commited suicide almost 2 years ago, and we can still feel the turmoil of his departure. Since the funeral i didn't came back there, most of my mom family is spannish and live in spain or south of France, most my father is around Paris, he was my father's brother, so, first, i went near Paris, meet everyone and have news.
As i said, he was a bit the glue that kept the family together, and now that he is gone, some part kinda exploded.
Good thing, i'm seen as "out of this" so no one have an issue with me, or me seeing everyone, a vit like neutral ground when i'm around X)
Still, hurt a bit to see this part of the family in that state.
That done, i travelled south to my mom place, my sister live near and it was her birthday. We had a lil party and it was kinda good, i could spend a whole day with my nephews too, missed the lil demons ^^
All in all, a good holiday, gave me a really needed break. Issue of working alone is that often you don't allow you the rest you should give yourself.
Even one day off or a week end is a short break whn you still answer to clients or see your scheldule of works.
You're never really "out"
Gave me some breath.
So, thanks for making me able to take such needed rest ^^

Voila, i kept it EXTRA SHORT for this time
Next weekly, soon! Thanks if you're still reading

c ya!


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