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Let's go


Finishing the reward first and i'll try to do first episode of CYOA monthly before i go, then let the vote up for the days when i'm away and do episode 2 when i'm back ^^
We're going nice and strong on the reward should finish the elite tomorow and should do one HQ per day for the rest of the week. If i manage should be all done for the 14th.
The CYOA is on the "i'll try"' spectrum, cause i don't want to rush it X)
So if i see i'm not managing to finish it might just keep it for when i'm back =)
We ll see. But as quite bad at estimating time, i prefer to look "large"


Managed to find time over the last weeks to paint a bit my 40k. Not like a WHOLE lot, but enough that i could pain the first squad of 10. I go quite slow, but well, it's mostly a thing i do on my time off, and to chill. So, not rushing myself. I don't got playing buddies around :/ So for now it's only for paint, not to play. If i manage to find peoples nearby might rush me a bit to get this done X)
At least i'm proud of me, i manage quite well to not buy new until i finished those, asked a bit of restrain, but so far so good. Might just go buy myself some new brushes next month.
And here some of my boyz

The Elden Ring

Still on Elden ring, slowly moving in the game. I 'm exploring around for now, looking where to go and what to do that i might have ignored in already explored zone. Game is so massive that i wouldn't be surprised that i missed 80% of the stuff X)
I started to pump some strengh in my build. At first i tried many things, like "oh a point there and there" and i was kinda paper sheet strong XD
Now, with some friends advices, and a "rebirth" of my char to restats, i'm going strong. Doing the Caelid region for now.
Finished Ranni's quest (wed the girl) Did Radan (obviously if i finished Ranni, as it's mandatory for) Astel (same), killed a bunch of dragons and slowly moving to see wich i could smack on the head next. Not being cocky tough, i met a few that i'm a bit too much underlevelled too. I wanna finish Caelid before going to Altus, but got all i need to get there already. Just enjoyin the time atm. Last thing i did was finishing Miliscent quest part in Caelid.
So far so good. Enjoyin the game at my rythm.
Won't lie, got some effect on me. Kinda wanna try GMing some dark fantasy now. i always found the Dark Souls too much.. depressed, but i dunno, in Elden ring, you feel like, yeah, world is a bit broken, but there's still peoples, villages, heros, and life. Nature regrow in parts, and the gods didn't forgot this land so.. there's a kinda "sad" feeling, but with a touch of hope undertone that i like ^^

(artwork by Klegs)

Last note:
Patreon been killing a lot of NSFW artist.. and in recent month they don't do it like they used to. They don't come telling you "you might have a problemetic thing here"
They just terminate you, not telling you what you might have done wrong
OR even justifying it.
So.. I think this week i'll take the time to open the suscrbistar for peoples to join it.
I got to look on some stuff. But if i do, i'll notify you in next week post.
Idea is, i still want to be loyal to patreon, ll stay my main place... But this site make it harder and harder to trust everyday.

That's about it, thanks for reading this far, and c ya soon!


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