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One question haunts a comedy/satire/penis simile career: What's your solution?

ā€œWhereā€™s your PMC? Constellis does the best they can. They changed the name and everything. Should they leave bullets lying there, to rot? Thatā€™s waste on a dying planet. Bullying Erik Prince wonā€™t make you feel better about yourself. If mass murderā€™s so wrong, letā€™s see your plan. Most nuclear states skipped the UN this year.ā€

Easy. Replace orphan-seeking missiles with robot Bloodsport. Why do I even have to type it? Isnā€™t Mecha Kombat what weā€™ve struggled for since the tar pits? Donā€™t you want to armbar your way to sane climate policy? Havenā€™t you seen Mobile Fighter G Gundam?

I shouldnā€™t assume. Few of us are born saved. We stumble into Police Story reruns when our souls are ready.

G Gundam is a Gundam spinoff, the way pelicans are spinoffs of velociraptors. A few things changed, and mentioning the connection makes your worst neighbors livid. Imagine The Guns of August spinning off into GI Joe, and youā€™re halfway there. But the Joes keep WW1 aesthetics, scope, and trauma. And everyoneā€™s Snake Eyes. Lifeā€™s weird.

I should define terms, since many prefer live knee strikes. Which I respect: stuntmen need food, and streamingā€™s only upside is underwriting one perfect The Raid knockoff per year.

Gundam isnā€™t a typo: itā€™s one of the longest and most merchandised sci-fi franchises anywhere. The secret sauce? The edge that outlived Monster Rancher and two economic boom-bust cycles?

War crimes.

Game of Thrones made its money acknowledging sex, and Gundam struck gold acknowledging what happens after CNN cuts to ads. Hereā€™s how the comic remake sets the tone. Chapter 1, Volume 1.

The classic colony drop. Shooting cities into cities, making trading lives literal. Perhaps the last sci-fi nightmare that hasnā€™t become real why did I type that. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m so sorry. I donā€™t know which emirate weā€™ve spiked Queens into, but I hope the survivors forgive me.

Oh, and lots of robots. People dig the robots. If a robot has fins and a five-digit kill count, itā€™s a Gundam.

Some would call Gundam self-serious. Theyā€™re right, but Iā€™ll argue in bad faith for hours before admitting it. I openly love rants on human cruelty between action figure swordfights. Combining sour cream and synthetic onion probably sounded odd the first time, and now thatā€™s half my body weight.

This makes G Gundamā€™s existence weird, dumb, and wonderful. Like learning the mold in your trash cures everything.

The premise: after bombing Earth to death, humanity rebuilds in space. Much more importantly, every nation builds a Jiujitsu-powered robot. Earthā€™s carcass becomes the octagon for culturally insensitive Jaegers, and the winner runs space for four years. Theyā€™ve run this tournament 12 times, without one security council veto.


Iā€™m not fucking with you. San Marino is ten good fights away from galactic domination. If you think the Olympics have a steroid problem, imagine what DARPA would inject into Jon Jones. Or what Jon Jones would inject into Jon Jones.

There are 49 episodes of Street Fighter worldbuilding, so we find out. Neo America sends a walking flag piloted by an asshole boxer.

I canā€™t lie: that screenshot fills my soul. The national virus is in me. His mechanicā€™s probably pre-Gawker Hulk Hogan. Thereā€™s even a full cheer squad.

As for our sparring partner, Neo Russia press-gangs a giant prisoner. This clown show predicted the Wagner Group. His robot swings a ball and chain, so even winning is a reminder of confinement.

Heā€™s tailed by a mobile oppression squad, led by Subjugation Spice.

Likely insulting, so Iā€™ll argue in bad faith that it recalls Crime and Punishment. Be warned: I donā€™t have to be right to win. Academiaā€™s just describing what you want to be true.

Iā€™ll save France and England for the episode recap. Theyā€™re special caricatures. Even moreso than Chinaā€™s Dragon Gundam, piloted by a spunky Shaolin Monk.

After Shinji, putting a terrified child in your robot sounds like a bad idea. But itā€™s brilliant long-term thinking. When this kid hits twenty, heā€™ll be unbeatable. China might rule space longer than Earth.

You know, if he lives.

Meanwhile, Mexico has a gaffe.

The U.S. run calls that Spike Gundam. The original calls it Tequila Gundam. A fact I recall wherever Iā€™ve had a rough day. Did Tequila Gundam defeat Jagermeister Gundam to qualify? No. Germany hired a fucking ninja.

With a ninjabot.

After all the broad strokes in G Gundam, itā€™s nice to see a tribute to Bavarian Ninjitsu. I assume itā€™s still mostly arson. German fans lucked out: the creators cared just enough to skip food and the 1940s, and played their ninja card instead. Full marks.

Iā€™m not cherry-picking a one-off. This is a key character. There are spoilers about Berlinā€™s shadow warrior, because G Gundamā€™s kitsch isnā€™t light or shy. I went through this series hoping, praying for Ganja Gundam to turn up. Or, if the writers knew the island a little better, Workaholic Gundam, Crushing Poverty Gundam, or Christian Fundamentalism Gundam. No luck.

But I did learn that love, unhinged rage, and egotism all unlock limit breaks. Sometimes the same move! Donā€™t question it, just love it.

Sage wisdom.

G Gundamā€™s high concept taps a simple truth: itā€™d be nice for management to punch it out and leave the rest of us alone. When Putin sparring mediocre actors went viral, I thought ā€œChallenge accepted, but in space.ā€ When we sprinted to/from Afghanistan, I learned we could replace the entire D.O.D. with Impact! midcarders and lose nothing. When Bibiā€”



My broad strokes tend to be more confusing than knowing nothing. Letā€™s tour an episode.

Episode nine is Shakespearean: obvious mistakes followed by violence. It cold opens on Rose Gundam, a fan favorite, in battle.

A classier grade of killing machine, even with the Napoleon hat. Sure, other Gundams win fights, in a world where that decides whether youā€™re in a theocracy, dance-based caste system, or Caligula sequel. But you can greet dates in Rose Gundam. Neo France put aesthetics first, a plan just crazy enough to not work even a little.

Itā€™s over in the first minute.

Thereā€™s no WW2 punchline coming. See: Kabul. Glass houses and all that.

The beatingā€™s from Neo England, so this scene sparked at least one real-life fistfight. Sadly, thatā€™s the spiciest historical rivalry G Gundam touches. We never get a match between Seoul LLC and The Peopleā€™s Invincible True Korea. Since G Gundamā€™s insane, Iā€™ll note that I made those two up.

Our winner looks like an RRR propaganda poster, by either side. I like hyperbole, but check out his portrait:

And matching robot:

Thatā€™s Gentle Chapman piloting John Bull Gundam. I thought I dreamed those names, but theyā€™re unchanged 22 years later. Check your borders: reading this means theyā€™ve been redrawn as a nice, clean square.

Gentle celebrates the traditional way: turning up. He gambles with the rest of the House of Lords, until he notices someone out of place.

This defrosted Neanderthal is Japanā€™s fighter, Domon Kasshu. The only role model I needed.

G Gundam doesnā€™t spare Japan a broad brush, which softens everything but Tequila Gundam. Domon is a screaming, sword-brandishing karate lunatic, and I love him the way most people love dogs. Only Domonā€™s never chased me across Brooklyn Bridge Park, or barked for six hours while I tried to mock puppets. Domon 2. Dogs: 0.

The Casino Royale schtick is cut short by Domon being a goddamn nutcase.

Domon likes fighting the way comedians like similes. He isnā€™t always fighting, in the way not all similes use like or as. But itā€™s always on his mind, akin to me and frosted food. The prompt said ā€œthree-dimensional protagonist,ā€ and the studio wrote ā€œfistā€ twice.

Surprisingly, he grows. Beyond ā€œwar sucks, kicks rule,ā€ G Gundamā€™s secondary point is ā€œcalm the fuck down, Domon.ā€ Uppercuts can only solve 98% of problems. For the remaining two, he panics. For martial arts anime, thatā€™s a pacifist tract.

This is a ā€œcool your shitā€ episode. Gentle Chapman isnā€™t so chap. Fuck. Isnā€™t so man. God damn it. Is a fellow nutcase. Heā€™s doping to prolong his career. Imagine an elderly shit I already used Jon Jones. You canā€™t mock the same athlete twice. The world has too many elevators.

Imagine any cyclist. Gentleā€™s revived Tour de France level doping.

Itā€™s not just padding asterisk records. Chapmanā€™s a three-time champion, and remains determined to die like a proper gentleman: screaming in an exploding tin can plummeting towards civilizationā€™s ruins. Iā€™d admire him if he hadnā€™t brought the British Empire to the stars. Thatā€™s like bringing the measles to the information age. Or Tammany Hall to the information age. Or the Crusadesā€“

Moving along: Rose Gundamā€™s pilot brings a warning. Domon ignores it. Chapman bitterly condemns time, hero worship, and a warriorā€™s inevitable grave. Domon ignores it. Domonā€™s read the beat board, and heā€™s hyped for some sanctioned elder abuse.

Later, Chapmanā€™s loving wife Lasswoman defends the fallen heroā€™s suicide run.

Lasswoman secretly runs the non-drug half of Englandā€™s cheating, because she believes in Gentle. Or doesnā€™t want Neo Mauritania in charge. Or knows the rules are bullshit. Either way, Chapman thinks heā€™s only doping. A real ride or die helps you ride and die.

Despite our heroā€™s best efforts, the stakes are set: can Gentle Chapman be battered back onto the path of honor? Is chivalry stronger than anger over his stupid name? Can a 20-year old red belt beat a septuagenarian tweaker?

Actually, no.

Cheating rules. A fog machine and some crank turn Chapman into a god.

Itā€™s the Perry Expedition all over again: swords and reason are out, guns and uppers are in. From now on, Iā€™m cheating all the time. Are there drugs for dick jokes? Comedy Cialis? Iā€™d say Jim Beam, but happy hourā€™s worse for my jokes than my u-turns.

For mechs, inhaling space Addies like Reeseā€™s Cups totally works. Skittles are the stock reference, but Iā€™ve never left peanut butter cups with my dignity. The champion emeritus would sell his life for victory, and thatā€™s how I feel about sugar. Bury me with my chocolate.

Tripping balls on kidsā€™ television, Chapman emits pure Metal Gear Rising nonsense. Some selections:

Right, that last one. He totally overdoses, and goads Domon into a Viking graduation.

Gentle lives, and accepts his descent from champion to Ric Flair non-retirement. PEDs are for livers in their prime, and thereā€™s no other way out of this premise on afterschool television. Itā€™s a nice moment, I just have Yahtzeeā€™s tick where everything sounds like a diss, and greed pillages what I love.

The point isnā€™t pill addiction, but punch addiction. Ageless ambition cost Chapman his motor skills. Donā€™t chase the past, unless you want to conquer Earth three times, live in a mansion, travel the universe, and go out in a blaze of violent glory with your supervillain wife.


Iā€™m with Lasswoman. And Iā€™d take an angel dust suppository to keep most leaders off the Golden Throne, including mine. Nothingā€™s stopping MBS VIII from cloning Brock Lesnar. I wish I could describe the damage one narcissist can do in four years, but Jiminyā€™s on my fucking ass.

In any case, G Gundam distracted me from some other stuff in 2002. Not sure why Iā€™m on it now. Has anyone seen my medicine?

This article was brought to you by our fine sponsor and Hot Dog Supreme: Mickey Lowman, who represents the nation of Hot Doggia on the field of mechanized battle in their undefeated war mech shaped like a giant wiener. 

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Flippant Sausage

For people who havent seen it: The American representatives name is "Chibodee Crockett" and he rules.


huh well thats not very nice because beetleborgs is not in my scout cipher pocket dictionary