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When three pop culture luminaries such as us and Gamefully Unemployed's David Bell get together, three things are going to happen: someone is going to mention zombies, someone is going to have opinions on zombies, and then everyone is going to accidentally write the ultimate zombie movie or ongoing series (TBD). Well, that's exactly what happened here!

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*For footnotes and sources see all zombie fiction ever produced.


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Matt Edwards

Shit, I just thought of something: what if "Cocktails" was the zombie show? First couple of episodes are setting up all the gay bartender drama, then bam! Luce summons the zombie apocalypse. Tina Antonucci has to teach them all the way of the sword. Skip mimics the zombies to move freely among them. Austin and Jed get eaten so we don't have to tolerate their bullshit.

Rebecca Bieth

Woah, were you three on the committee that came up with Learning with Pibby? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btu0O47u3rY