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Even dead Askeladd still helping Thorfinn lol


great episode

Aziz bhs

I have no enemies

Patrick (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-19 10:05:07 15:50 --&gt; hitted pretty hard when Thorfinn said he doesn't even know them who he has killed. Also has been thinking those things that how people, like in wars kill others who they haven't seen before, met before, talked with before, doesn't even know the f*cking name of other, someone who hasn't done anything bad to you. And you are suppose to kill that other human being for someone elses, like politics sake. And these politics who you are killing for doesn't even know that you exist. This world is and always has been mad. People need to stop obeying that kind of orders. Sorry i just got so sad about this, lets keep politic things away from this webside hahha.
2023-05-16 21:00:09 15:50 --> hitted pretty hard when Thorfinn said he doesn't even know them who he has killed. Also has been thinking those things that how people, like in wars kill others who they haven't seen before, met before, talked with before, doesn't even know the f*cking name of other, someone who hasn't done anything bad to you. And you are suppose to kill that other human being for someone elses, like politics sake. And these politics who you are killing for doesn't even know that you exist. This world is and always has been mad. People need to stop obeying that kind of orders. Sorry i just got so sad about this, lets keep politic things away from this webside hahha.

15:50 --> hitted pretty hard when Thorfinn said he doesn't even know them who he has killed. Also has been thinking those things that how people, like in wars kill others who they haven't seen before, met before, talked with before, doesn't even know the f*cking name of other, someone who hasn't done anything bad to you. And you are suppose to kill that other human being for someone elses, like politics sake. And these politics who you are killing for doesn't even know that you exist. This world is and always has been mad. People need to stop obeying that kind of orders. Sorry i just got so sad about this, lets keep politic things away from this webside hahha.


Nah, u right. Its always been a mistery to me when people defend certain politicians so much that they get violent.. Im like, dude, he/she dont even know u exist.. Royalty too.. Its a mad world. Imagine a normal human rules over thousands, just cuz we let them. And then if u dont obbey, they give the order to kill u, and everybody just watches as they do it, and they fall even more in line. Its crazy when u think about the whole picture.. Really a sad world...


Yeah it is insane how this world unfortunaly works. I think this comes from human's history, that thousands of years ''normal'' people has always obeyd ''more valuable'' people's like you said royaltys and kings commands. That might be in our DNA to obey the commands of others who we see being in control, without recognizing that it is also us who are being controlled by our history and what has came to our DNA. And like you said, back in the day it was ''obey or die'', you didn't have right to say anything back. But today I see it differently, we have in this modern world a oppurtunity (most people have) to say ''no'' without a fear being killed, and this was also the same back in the day like when like vikings were alive that they had a opportunity to say no, but it was way more possible to get your head cutted off if you say no than today. But I think we still have in our subconcious that we need to obey because if not, something bad is going to happen to us, because that is how it always has been, but it doesn't need to be like that. Worst thing in this is that usually old farts command other people to fight their battles, they can easily start the war because they know that they wont be in the frontline fighting that fight what they started, just a random people (for them). It is a sad sad world. If a time comes, just needs to say ''no'' together, when people stand together, they can't do a thing to the people who stands against these horrible things like killing other humans just bc some bitch ass politic wants money, more land, minerals and power. They are saying, we are working and in the end we end up dead or if manage to survive..you get nothing but a pain knowing that you have took someones life in battle. Hopefully some day people can understand eachothers, like Jiraiya used to say. This was long ass and kind of cringe comment haha, so Lucky don't feel like you need to answer something mate.&lt;3


Hell nah, this wasnt cringe, this was from the heart! I feel them same way. And yea, i agree, might be in our DNA by now. Also, they might not execute us today as easily as they used to for not obbeying, but they still use fear.. You'll lose your job if u dont vote.. You'll lose your house if u dont pay taxes on the land u already bought.. Its crazy. They are still taking royalties from your own things, like salary, they tax your land, every thing u buy.. etc.. They literally steal from u and make u work your entire life for them. And we just obbey. I understand some taxes, but lets be honest, most are BS and u cant say shit or u go to prison lol Its the same shit. Fear rules all. Some are above the law, sad world. As for the war part, yea.. Really sad we still have war in 2023.. Crazy world we live in brotha ❤️


Its nice to have some people who has the same kind of mindset, usually when I talk about these things like to some of my friends, they don't kind of understand or they say ''I haven't been thinking this world like that''. Just being in invisible chains, being controlled by society, and calling that life. A life where you think you are free, but when you dig deeper, you are not free at all. Somekind of way people are controlled, by government or something else. When you are born, everything around you is preparing you to become part of society. Nursery, then school, later age at 16 you need to know what education you want to have, what you want to do in your life. Its sad, how usually people connect this ''what you want to do in your life'' into education and work life, instead of thinking something else but its pretty hard to say what else you want to do in your life, other than education and work life, because everything around you resemble and instruct to be a part of society by what work or education you do. Not saying its bad thing to do these things, jobs, education or whatever. If you truly like and enjoy your job what is part of society, you have won already. I just think that, have I been born here to just to pay taxes and do a job where I can be replaced anytime by someone else and then when I am too old to work, I can have this freedom to not to need to work because I am getting pension payment what I have gathered my whole work life, and then they take taxes 35% from that payment, and then what you get into your hand, its too small to do things what you want, and then you are too old to do things what you want to do. It just makes you think is that what I am supposed to do in my life when odds of being born are one in 400 trillion. If you don't go as society wants people to go, people see you as a freak. Maybe they see you as a freak, because they are jealous that you have a freedom to do what you want and you have done what you want to do, not what society wants you to do. We all have that freedom but its hard to think something else which with you can get a long in life bc of the world what we have around us. We need money, to buy things we need and for that we need to do a work (or win in lottery hah), but in my eyes its just a cycle of society where you work to earn money, which you gonna give back to society to get like food to stay alive. Maybe that is how this world must work? When you go to the nursery, adults are starting to teach you how to play in this society's game. They ask you ''What do you want to be when you grow up? Police, fireman, pilot, a doctor?'' They start to list jobs what society needs, but not what a child needs. What would happen if we leave out these jobs from that question, what kind of answers kids would give to you when you don't list anything ready? Want to point out, learning and school are good things, its is a privilege what many doesn't have. I truly like John Lennon's words, when he told that in nursery adults asked him, what he wants to be when he grows up. He answered ''Happy''. And adult didn't understand that answer. I liked that answer. It would be nice if children would not be instructed to this world of invisible chains and to be in conveyor belt from day one, until we die. Blessed are those who knows the way to jump out from that conveyor belt and live a life without worries, just enjoying. Of course you can live without worries and enjoy of life when you are in that conveyor, maybe it matters how you want to live your life. Dang I have written a lot, I need to chill hahha, but this is an interesting and nice subject to talk about.


Nah u right. In a way, from the moment we are born, we are conditioned. We are not truly free. We are all slaves to something. But mostly to this society. We dont have true freedom. I cannot take 1 year off work if i want to and still enjoy all the benefits. U dont have a choice. U r born to work until u die. Its crazy world. No choice at all. That answer "Happy" is everything. Sadly, people value money, something they created, over life and happines itself.. Invisible chains. Sad, very sad.. :/