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Uchiha With Some Gas

DAMNNNN, where are getting more and more close to the best fight in this show, couldn’t wait for that


Abour Rin's death : Minato was on onther mision so if they would arrive to village there wouldn't be minato to do something about Rin's seal and if they would extract the Isobu ( name of 3 Tails ) that would kill Rin so it wouldn't change much things at all so it was really bad situation to be in for Rin


Exactly as you said man... He rose above it! I'm glad to see someone who understands Obito's motives and doesn't accuse him of starting a war because his crush died or something. Just as Tobirama said, stronger the love, stronger the hate that replaces it. And Obito was the most sensitive of the Uchiha, basically Naruto with sharringan. I have a sympathy for every Naruto villain but Obito is the most relatable. He doesn't do it because of ambition like Madara or because of curiosity like your boy, or because of responsibility like Nagato... He does it because the world doesn't meet his standards, I also think it's intentional that his Mangekyo power is pretty much the ability to rewrite or to warp the reality. Also he's super badass as a shinobi. He's never been a show off, he doesn't even show his face before his mask is broken, he doesn't explain anything to his victims before he kills them, just gets the job done whatever means necessary. His will and resolve is incredible. The best written villain in Naruto imho.

Uchiha With Some Gas

yes, you are so right, i’m of the same opinion as you, Obito’s motives and reasons doesn’t like others, he is special compared to others.


Obito knew because he was the 4th mizukage.

Rhondel Wilson

Obito started the war because of rin. Just keep watching and see who he thinks about everytime something happens to push him in a corner.

Rhondel Wilson

Lets be real. The world as Obito sees it is screwed up and messed up because Rin died. Rin is not rin dead, Rin is only Rin alive. So Obito's catalyst for him wanting a genjutsu world is Rin. Had Rin not died, Obito would find the shinobi world acceptable enough to not want to carry out such a drastic plan. So Obito tries to frame it as the problem is the shinobi world which is hell but its only hell because he lost Rin and the shinobi world is what led to that. So he wants to create a world where not only Rin exists again but everybody gets what they wants. I respect Madara's motives more than Obito's because its not so centrally focused on the death of one person. For Madara, he sees that for others to have peace in this world others have to die. In order for there to be winners there has to be losers. Him and Hashirama made the village but the Uchiha had to become casualties for the peace to continue. He had to leave the village and preemptively avoid the conflict with Tobirama for the village to keep going. Somebody just has to lost and he wants to make a world where nobody has to sacrifice for peace to be achieved.


Isobu, he is the 3-Tails. That’s his name. Don’t ever confuse him with my babygirl Matatabi, the 2-Tails. The prettiest Tailed Beast. And secondly, you gotta remember Lucky, with the Chidori you can only move in a straight line and you can ONLY see what’s in front of you. Rin jumped in from the side of Kakashi, and jumped in at the last minute. And he’s moving at lighting speed. Lastly, YOU ARE ONE OF THE ONLY FEW PEOPLE THAT UNDERSTANDS OBITO DIDNT START THE WAR OVER RIN! People have an issue listening and comprehending because they let their feelings get in the way. He stated it himself. He did it because the way of the world, not only Rin.


Really hope you see this comment Lucky, but you're right, Obito didn't start the war just over Rin. The thing you have to realize was that the world always kinda sucked for Obito. No parents, outcast by his clan due to lack of talent, and of course the village since even then, they were uncomfortable with the Uchiha, if not outright hating them like after Kurama being forced to attack the village. Not to mention being a child soldier in the Third War, and seeing no doubt a lot of people die. And he always wanted to change that, always tried to do good, but it always resulted in him simply being reprimanded for being tardy because he stopped to help someone. Really, for so long, the only one who acknowledged his efforts was Rin. And then the World demonstrates that it is capable of turning a young girl, a medic and barely a fighter herself no less, into a sort of Trojan Horse nuclear warhead against her own home and loved ones. In short, as I see it, Rin wasn't the reason Obito fell... Rather, while she was alive, she had been the reason he *didn't.*


Madaras initial step into darkness was because he lost Izuna, so he also lost a loved one. Obito started because he wanted Rin back, but that was because he was still merely a child then. When he grew older, he became one of the most nihilistic non caring characters in the verse and truly wanted to achieve peace by means of the IT. If you still believe he did it for Rin, I ask you this: Why would he do any of this? In Episode 205 he states that he wants to be the one to cast the jutsu which ultimately means he doesnt get caught in it because he is the caster. so he wouldnt be with Rin. Doesnt make that much sense. But if he did it for the sake of the world and for peace, it does.


obitos genjutsu isnt talked ab enough!! he put a whole perfect jinjuriki in a genjutsu and controlled him for years!!(the mizukage)


Madara got as hyped as you when you see your boy xD now that’s a plot twist, Rin is part of the suicide gang :D Rin kinda did a Haku it was impossible for Kakashi to evade her at that point :P that was dope how he made Kakashi stab him in the heart area to demonstrate his emptiness :) love that clash of thinking with Obito indulging himself with illusions of perfection while Kakashi is struggling to keep the reality going and make the best out of it :)


Remember that Obito was hanging out in a hidden mist and was controlling the Mizukage, he could get all the details about Rin firsthand.


Come on bro, how can you blame a child for not deciding a proper way to suicide? The whole decision is crazy to make, you can't expect Rin to use rational thinking anymore. I guess this is Obito's whole argument. Their shinobi world has created the situation where a child has to take its own life by using her closest friend and comrade, and do it in such a traumatising way for young Kakashi as well. In Obito's eyes, there is no hope for a world where such occurrences are accepted as normality and reality. I can understand this type of perspective generally, because reality truly is f*cked up, but I will always stand with my boy Naruto and my man LORD Hashirama! You can't let go of hope, you can't extinguish the Will of Fire, people like them are the only ones capable of leading forward, because their conviction remains stronger than the hate of those having lost hope for the world. The reason why this show is a big part of my life is due to how many real life stories and perspectives it shows. I love the philosophical battle between the idea of severing history, severing fate, destroying the current reality, in order to rebuild (a generally linear and single-minded approach, more individualistic) and the idea of self-reflection, strong senses of experience from others, strong sense of moral justice, willingness and need for cooperation. I even find it hard to explain my thoughts in simple terms, but the constant battles always remind me of the lack of balance in our own lives, it gives me the chance to reflect on my own self, my own thoughts and why I am the way I am hahaha. But it's just such an amazing piece of art, Kishimoto is a genius for creating this.


Yeah if I would have started a world ending war because of A GIRL. I also would deny it if someone would ask me. Tell them some nihilistic stuff and everyone would just believe me.


LUCKY! In the Three Tails filler arc when Tobi sees the three tails for the first time off in the distance...for one short sentence he didn't spoke with Tobis goofy voice but neither with Madaras but with Obitos. He says "Well...look at you" It was a really small easteregg put there but so deep if you realize it.


Obito was able to gain all that information when he was controlling the Mizukage in the mist.


Rin was not meant to die everybody in this world was an imposter


Damn, Obito is really a trash... So sad


But ultimately it is because of Rin’s death that he fell into despair and cause this war. Yes this “counterfeit” world is to blame for Rin’s death but if Rin was still alive I doubt Obito would’ve fell into despair.

Rhondel Wilson

1000% correct. His own words were powerful. He said, Rin is not Rin dead, Rin is only RIn alive. This world with a dead Rin is a fake world and the dead Rin is an imposter Rin. He never said the dead countless shinobi who died, or his dead parents, or anybody else besides Rin. So the idea that Rin is not the reason for all of this is silly. Its not about what a character says in isolation but all of his actions and thoughts which the show presents to you.

Keep It Zen

It’s almost hereereeeee


When will lucky upload again, I keep reloading and checking


is he uploading soon?