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Here you go my friends! Looks like our next anime will be One Punch Man, in two days the poll will be closed and then soon after i'll begin watching that anime as well! Next two reactions will be up on Sunday! Love u all! Enjoy! <3





Oh, shit here we go again! We're almost there guys. I can't wait to see Lucky's reactions!!! Lucky, I know you are a Naruto purist who watches fillers. You have my profound respect! But please, this one time will you watch cannon first then fillers? I promise you there's a good reason and hopefully most of your Patrons would agree. Would you consider skipping 223-243, and watch it later? Typically I don't mind when we wait for you to watch the filler on your own and share parts here and there before continuing with canon. But I hope you'll consider it just this once! 🍀🧡🍥🦊


Let me answer you here as well! Sure girl! I'll try and give you guys the next canon arc without delay! And i'll watch the next filler in my own time, i'll bench it before the next canon! &lt;3 Don't get used to this tho! lol But love u &lt;3