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Here you go guys! As promised! One more will be up shortly after this one! I'm a bit early again, guess i don't know how to go to sleep on time anymore lol Enjoy! <3





This is one of the most hated Sakura moments in the fandom. And for good reason. For her to try and manipulate Naruto here was terrible and unnecessary too. Just tell him what's up. He can handle it

San Pav

A real low for sakura, a real pity that they wrote her like that...

Nicholas Kent

Another great example of Kishimoto's writing habits. Sakura is horrible in this episode but he didn't even realize it. Why ? Because he's too focused on the messages he's trying to convey to also focus on the credibility of the characters. And besides, he is very uncomfortable with female characters (except for Hinata). Sakura serves the script, never the other way around ... When she expresses her desires or her feelings, it's always to make Sasuke and Naruto react. Certainly not so that we can get to know her. All we know at this point is that Naruto understands that Sakura loves Sasuke. In another story, she would be a psychopath like Misa Amane from Death Note. But here, Kishimoto asks us to understand her because the final message must take precedence over the credibility of the characters' actions.


I usually watch your reactions from start to finish, but this time I had to skip half because of this disgusting scene with Sakura. And by the way, Lucky, what about the Death Note? It wasn't there last weekend. Are you going to post 4 episodes of DN this weekend?

Rhondel Wilson

But no other female character is written as poorly as Sakura. I don't think he has a problem writing female characters in general. Its just that, in order to represent what we know about women, in the setting of the ninja world, its a bit difficult. Females are more emotional by nature and ninja are not supposed to show emotion. Well there has to be a conflict there. Females tend to think illogically when love is involved, this is what Sakura is doing here. Sakura is displaying some of the reasons why women may not make good ninjas. Might not be true for all women but for Sakura, this episode makes the argument to me that she shouldn't have been a ninja, because her decision making is poor. That maybe was not Kishimoto's intention, but that is what I would conclude from these episodes.


I personally like Sakura, even more than Hinata, but in this episode because of what she's doing here, I just feel sorry for her, because of the poor way that she decided to go, and I also respect Naruto for what he's doing here, cause of some of my life experience lmao, I can feel for him. Because of that I usually skip this episode reactions, but I'm interested in your thoughts on this cause you liked Sakura in a sense, so your feelings could be similar to mine :)


Yea, they are similar! I love our girl Sakura, but the way they wrote here here... I can see why some people hate on her :/ I still love our girl, but this was not her best work.. I feel bad for her and this whole situation :/ It was kinda hard to watch that part to be honest :/


I had some issues last week, so i didn't have time to do Death Note, but this week we go back to schedule so you'll get 2 episodes, i didn't get time to give u guys 4, but i'll try :D No promises tho

St Patrick Brown

This moment was like with Light and Misa...first time i was provoked to hit a woman🤣🤦‍♂️