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Here you go guys! Another amazing episode! It keeps getting better and better! The next two reactions will be up on  Monday! Enjoy guys! Love u all!





Nice early bird like me. Pretty sure we're both at 6.21 am right now


Yeah this video link doesn’t work either it’s only for the 2 recent uploads. Not sure why


It's 6:29 here, but i'm just going to bed, cuz i'm a moron who works at night and sleeps during the day ahaha


This issue seems to be applied only to you rn, let's wait until other people see the post, and if they don't have any issues, then i don't know what it is.. Try refreshing :/ Here's a link, try again xD https://www.patreon.com/posts/43882233


If this doesn’t work for anyone try using the website instead of the app if you are on mobile.


Yes I did thanks for being invested though 😂 get some rest lucky thanks for the content! Not sure why the app is glitchy tho but at least the website version works fine


I'm impressed you picked up on the different clans derived from the Senju!! You never know, Minato could be Dan and Tsunade's child. There's a theory that Tsunade became pregnant once and gave away her child for adoption. She might literally be Naruto's grandma and it's just really sweet irony that Naruto already calls her Granny.


Two things : 1) Did you notice the puppet that Kankuro was using?


and 2) Yeah it safe to say Sasuke is around Kage level at this point. He is for sure stronger than Tsunade here. So I would say he is.


How about not spoiling the person's experience? Or did you pay just for this?

Nicholas Kent

In Shippuden, my affection for the character of Naruto has had its ups and downs. I couldn't stand him until Jiraiya died. That noisy brat running after Sasuke and acting like an idiot in every arcs, I couldn't take it any more. After Jiraya death, I started to like him again because he started to understand Sasuke and develop a real ideology. As a Superman fan, optimism and idealism are values ​​that interest me ... He became a man. BUT the character got on my nerves again after Nagato died. Not because I didn't share his values all of sudden, but rather because the way to offer them to the shinobi world becomes hypocritical. Watch it, Lucky. All of Naruto's work will be facilitated by the author, Kishimoto. Why did Nagato commit suicide? I would have liked to see how Naruto would have gone about making the rest of the village accept that he leaves him alive! The same goes for the Kage summit. I would have liked to see how Naruto could go about allying countries with divergent interests. Imagine how crazy it would be for villages to go to war! But no .... Kishimoto chose the scriptwriting facilities.

Nicholas Kent

Neji was right..... Kishimoto had dropped the self-made man's message just because he felt compelled to justify Naruto's incorruptible nature. He is no longer just a big hearted boy who grew up in terrible conditions. Now, he's Jesus. You will understand more and more why I find Naruto's message of peace hypocritical.


We love when u talk and get overhyped. Keep it up!


Just shut the fuck up, will ya? Nobody cares about your opinion.


Sasuke is definitly kage level with that susano. Keep the videos coming


Yea, at least there is a way! Where there's a will, there's a way, that's what they say at least lmao I just woke up! Much love bro ahaha <3


not hate bro power


have my baby that was sus as hell now you know how Naruto feel about Sasuke


Also this episode doesn’t work

Rhondel Wilson

Lol. its funny that earlier in the episode you said Sasuke was not Kage level and down to the end you said he was Kage level.

Rhondel Wilson

Your reaction when the Raikage cut his arm of was priceless. I was waiting to see your reaction to that. But immediately after that, you made the most sus statement in the history of western civilization. The reference to the song Gangsta's Paradise. I'm thinking yourself and Kim Kardashian might be into the same kind of people.


It works for most of the people, if it doesn't work, just go to the Patreons website and watch that way, there it works one hundred percent. It's not an error on my side :/

St Patrick Brown

Bro...Sauske is only alive because of plot armor 🤣🙆‍♂️