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Luckily we don't have to wait long for season 2



Maybe it's the millennial in me but terms like "unalive" are ridiculous.


It is stupid that they have to use terminology like that to get around YT's crap.

Alvin Everett

Powder grew up in the shadow of her more capable sister, and although Vi never gave her any grief for her shortcomings, almost everyone else around them did. Vi did her best to instill her sister with confidence. Desperate to prove her worth, Powder ignored her Vi's instructions to stay put, causing the deaths of Mylo, Claggor and indirectly Vander. For once, Vi couldn't comfort her and the rejection affected Powder a lot more than intended. Vi left Powder at the mercy of Silco, and he told her the words she desperately needed to hear: "It's okay." He understood the trauma that transformed her into Jinx, because he knew the pain of being abandoned and betrayed, and never faulted her for lashing out when triggered. Jinx was no doubt an asset to Silco but he didn't value her because of her usefulness. Over the years he grew to truly love her as a daughter, he was patient and always afforded Jinx the opportunity to rectify her mistakes how she saw fit. Even when he was promised everything he'd dreamed of and worked towards in exchange for Jinx, Silco wouldn't turn her over. He stayed loyal ("I still believe in loyalty." -Silco) to Jinx in the end, even after she shot him, he didn't disparage her -- instead, in his last words, he called Jinx "perfect." Whether or not their relationship is healthy is a different conversation. The fact remains that Silco unconditionally loved Jinx. Had Powder been shown this same level of love at her lowest moment, who knows? Jinx may have never been born.


I think Silco was a wonderful father to Jinx and maybe the best family she ever had. THE PROBLEM IS, Silco's moral compass is fucked due to his own traumas. So while he was supportive, encouraging, understanding and patient with her, the things he was supporting and encouraging her to do were terrible. When he tells her that Vi isn't back for her, or that she will abandon her, or tries to kill Vi there at the end; he isn't attempting to manipulate Jinx, he genuinely wants to protect her. In Silco's mind Vi would inevitably hurt Jinx because after Vander, Silco divested himself of all emotional attachments due to the pain the betrayal caused. To him, Vi hurting Jinx is an inevitability, and he tries to kill her at the end because he knows she's actively causing Jinx immense psychological pain. We only see Silco and Jinx interact a small bit, but I imagine he did his best to help her with her trauma. His "hard won lessons" she speaks about. He will know exactly what she suffers from, so he knows what was happening. Also, interesting tidbit: Vi talks about chasing Powder's monsters away in episode 8, but now we see in episode 9 she brings the monsters to Jinx. The tragedy of the situation is that Silco genuinely loved Jinx, and she genuinely loved him, they were just completely toxic for each other. When he says at the end that she is perfect, he's not lying, he sees her as the embodiment of his life's struggles and his love. He cares for her, he's just fundamentally incapable of doing it in a healthy way because a series of terrible things happened to him just like they happened to her. The cycle of violence and pain that he thrusts her into is the only thing he knows how to do. And he didn't so much as force her into it as he accelerated the process, remember Powder tried to blow a kid up with a fucking nail bomb in episode one and bombs the building in episode three with great joy. She was sort of already on her way to this, I think it may have happened regardless of him (maybe without the literal insanity) and she was already dealing with mental problems that she wasn't getting help for (at least not that we saw). Silco is broken just like she is, so I can't help but have the same empathy for him as I have for her. Terrible and evil people, but a fantastic couple of characters.

James Long

Might be a controversial opinion, but I would have been fine if Arcane just ended right here and there was no season 2. Of course, I am still looking forward to season 2. I just don't really look at this ending as a cliffhanger. The council was too late to act. Jinx came out of the undercity that they neglected for so long. And her action at the end is their sins coming back to haunt them.

Turtle-man 2023

Maple: "can't he transmute her back??" There's an entire other series you're watching that'll explain why that's a bad idea...

Daniel Duarte

Silco definitely loved Jinx unconditionally - everything he said at the end was true. He just believed ‘the right’ thing was o do was to embrace this new version of jinx/powder just Ashe did to himself. Fucked up moral compass.

Daniel Duarte

He realised at the very end that it doesn’t matter who his daughter is. Powder and Jinx are ideals. But his daughter, whoever she really is, is perfect just the way she is.


you do understand why it is used though, right? its not like its some trendy alternative term just for the sake of it and people prefer to use it. Its literally the only way around being flagged by YT


Jinx's is basically saying that she wasn't Powder anymore, and that Vi didn't love Jinx, but Powder. Which is sort of true. Also, since we mostly see Vi's side of the story and she just stumbles back into everyone's lives, it can be hard to remember that Jinx really isn't held captive by Silco, and she does love him. It might have been a toxic relationship, in a large part because Silco kept projecting his trauma on Jinx, but they both seemed to relax only around each other. I don't think he would have given her up, mostly because he says he finally "understands" at Vander's statue - as in, he understands the predicament Vander was at the beginning: give up your kid or have everything you have built crash around you.


Blame ad agencies and youtube for being this way.


Fishbones go Brrrr!!! [Fishbones is Jinx's rocket launcher for those that don't know]

Mercedes Pennington

Silco wasn't the pagent mom. That man loved her unconditionally. She screwed up his plans, threatened him, and disobeyed him constantly. But he never once considered turning his back on her. And YES she was 'useful' to him. But the one thing he asked for she didn't produce until the end of the series when she'd already killed him. And yet still. His final words were. You are perfect. He knew her pain. He'd been trying to get her to let go of her past (powder) and embrace her being her (jinx) Now let me be clear He's a MONSTER and he's trying to build a utopia for his people by burning everything to the ground first. The man is NOT a good person. But that is not a reflection of his love for his daughter.

Thomas Cresham

I think Silco really never would've turned Jinx over, and that's what he means when he says "there really is nothing so undoing as a daughter". Jinx takes it to mean "she's been a problem all this time" but he means she's a problem because he can't give her up, and that's why he understood Vander now, because Vander refused to keep fighting because he wasn't willing to put Powder, Vi, Mylo and Clagger in harms way.


Thank god you probably don't know anything about the game's lore. I don't even play it either but too many people talking about it got me spoiled.