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The girls aren't used to how fast Netflix opens the next episode and thought they were watching an end credits scene lol.
we'll sort it out.


Alvin Everett

You can tell that he does actually care for Jinx though. He knows that Powder’s past traumatizes her and triggers her to become unpredictable. He helped Jinx perfect what she was trying to do in the group (make bombs and shooting). Silco told her that Marcus never said he took her to prison, so he assumed she died, and SeVika told him after getting her ass beat by Vi. Then he was summoned to that meeting while Jinx found out she was alive and she started threatening him with his own eye tool, and he calmed her down by saying “I need you” (triggering Powder, Vi & Mylo, with “She jinxes every job”, “You’re not ready”, “Why did you leave me?”, “Because you’re a jinx” etc;) and her remembering (only the bad things) that Silco is the first person who cares about her, that needed her.


The portion of the beginning was misfit toys by Pusha T and Mako (songwriter and producer of the soundtrack).


A layer to Marcus' character that Maple may be missing in her analysis after the episode is that Marcus simultaneously admires and reveres Grayson (the original sheriff) while living with the guilt of getting her killed. In some way he likely sees his alliance with Silco as a necessary evil to keep the peace, but he could also just be repressing his guilt and rationalizing that what happened to Grayson wasn't his fault and that he's not a bad person. The other key relationship that doesn't get much screentime is his relationship with Caitlyn. He demeans her and mocks her but you could guess that on some level he compares her with Grayson and might even be impressed by her determination despite appearing frustrated by it. Grayson and Caitlyn also had a relationship (even if it was just acquaintances showed in the flashback scene) and so the comparison is even more believable. Take a close look at Marcus' facial expressions in his last moments before the fly bombs go off. That's the face of a man with unreconcilable conflict and who is about to cross a line that will ultimately damn his soul. Maybe deep down he might even realize that Caitlyn is Grayson's successor in the ways he's not, and if he kills her he kills all that remains of Grayson's legacy. Each and EVERY character in this show is written with such depth that you could analyze every single one with equal scrutiny to detail. It's some of the best and most screentime efficient character writing I've ever seen.