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I was getting ready to watch one of the previous film reactions but this is perfect timing. Thanks guys!!!

XRay24 Marinecrops

This episode hurts so much just cause I got some relateable metaforism with this and relate to Mark with this a boy will always want to love his Dad

Teyon Alexander

Great reaction! We did see the dragon (we also heard about it in episode one) when Nolan and Debbie when to -France I think. Nolan didn’t want to fight the dragon. Nolan is a complex character and yes a total dick. Grand scheme of things he is the lesser evil though lol. Not that I can argue the benefits of a lesser evil in this case. One thing that’s cool: Invincible gets beat down and comes back stronger. Every villain he fought got beat down and now we see they’re coming back stronger too. It’s the lesson of failure leading to greater success.

Dustin Nelson

I think Omniman learned to have positive emotions and empathy on Earth from living there and that's what stopped him, he seemed so confused at feeling guilt and the speeches were almost trying to convince himself almost more than mark. We'll see how the next season pans out but after seeing this a lot of times thats my read.

Ken Dahl

There is no way to know until season 2 plays out but all of those teasers could be planned for possible seasons 3 or 4... So far it seems like the overarching issue for S2 is something new.


I love the little details surrounding Nolan's eventual actions--he's this happy father until he hears that Mark's gotten powers, and his first reaction is "...are you sure?" Because he's been enjoying himself, and now he's back on the clock. Also I think that some of the folks defending Nolan as a father in earlier episodes (before he starts going on a full rampage) were trying to throw you off the trail about where the plot was actually going. I could be wrong, though; some people are just weird.


Glad you're back Arianna!

potato salad

ive been waiting for this one >: )

Jesus Perez

Nolan was waiting to outlive mark and debbie. Then conquer. When mark develops powers, theres no point waiting. Its back to work.


Am I the only one who doesn't really believe that Amber actually knew he was Invincible. Also there's a numbrr of video on YouTube that deep dives the flaws and red flags of Amber.

Christophe Schannes

I'm kind of torn on Amber. Most, or at least the loudest part, of the criticisms on the internet about her are not made in good faith. They are made by the same sexist trolls that brought death threats against Anna Gunn who of course jump at the opportunity to do the same thing to a black woman. So just because of that, my instinct is to reflexively defend Amber just to kind of make a more sensible counterpoint against that. Obviously, there are fair criticisms but they all basically just boil down to that one scene where she reveals that she knew about Mark and breaks up with him for being dishonest and still blamed him for not being around. Now people have a tendency to confuse scripted media for real life, which is really dumb. They see that scene and immediately think that that brings the whole relationship into a different context which in real life, it would. But I honestly think the writers just kind of fucked up here and didn't really realize it. Amber is shown throughout the series to be very no nonsense and honest, and also sweet and forgiving. That one scene lets some people think that she was manipulative and dishonest the whole time when probably the writers just wanted some drama and didn't really notice that that scene was kind of out of character. What I think the intention was with that scene was to kind of portray Amber's own insecurities and yes, flaws to an extent, specifically some run-of-the-mill teenage emotional immaturity. She obviously didn't know know that he was Invincible, she just had strong suspicions about him probably being a superhero and maybe hoping a bit that that was the explanation for his constant tardiness and absences, and not something more nefarious. And like it often happens in relationships, when you find out about a secret your partner has been keeping from you, the best thing to do would probably be to confront them while still having an open mind for the possibility that there may have been a good reason for the secrecy. Just get it out into the open. But it's a normal kind of emotional reaction to think that they're the one who are keeping the secret, so they should be the one to explain it. And maybe also hope that they just reveal it at some point without you needing to confront them which is never easy. When he finally told her, I read her reaction as her thinking that he only opened up at the point where she was ready do dump him, he didn't do it because he wanted to but only because it was the only way he had left to save the relationship, which is kind of true. So she doesn't see him being a superhero as a good reason for his behavior, she sees someone who was unwilling to be honest with her until he had no other recourse. And yes, she wasn't completely open either because she would have confronted him before then. And yes, maybe being a superhero does actually excuse the lies because a secret identity is a big deal and if she were being honest with herself, she would maybe have seen that realistically, their high school romance wasn't perhaps serious enough to warrant him revealing this about himself. But those are just normal teenager emotional immaturity flaws right? We see Amber as cool and mature so maybe we have higher expectations of her but that's obviously not fair. So I think the writers were trying to portray something like that and they just didn't put enough effort in that scene to properly convey that and it does come across as weird and kind of unfair to Mark. Though I will say that I never thought much about it and thought it was a pretty normal emotional reaction until I saw all the haters on the internet which kind of forced me to evaluate it more closely. Anyway, people portraying her as like a villain and the worst person in the show and whatever are obviously either just trolls or completely deluded.

Linus Marjeta

I fully understand Amber being frustrated about being stood up over and over, giving Mark chance after chance. They dated for a good while and she trusted him, but he didn't trust her enough and she's not obligated at all to just forgive everything because he was afraid to tell his secret. They are compatible, Amber just doesn't take bullshit, even if it might seem "harsh" I think it's completely fair how she acted. She did do a reverse out of somewhat pity and somewhat seeing that Mark got to go through a bigger version of what he put her through (with being lied to the entire time). She loves him so much that she was eventually willing to set aside her no-bs principles for him. I think Amber acted more rationally than most people would ever have, and she knows her worth. The only moment that might.. Feel a bit weird is when they got attacked and he ran away, coming back again is Invincible, I think the reason she got pissed there is that it was a perfect moment for him to both show and tell her who he really is and pulled yet another REALLY BAD lie. Like, if that moment wouldn't cause him to reveal his secret then nothing would, which for her meant that he didn't trust her. And no, whilst tempting, going to him and saying "I know this secret of yours" would just make it easy for Mark and wouldn't require any trust from him. She shouldn't have to confront him with it, he should've trusted her. I would personally MUCH rather have a person tell me that they lied to me and stand up for themselves than me revealing that I know and all they can do is cower and admit. One is respect, the other is forced and means nothing.