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Ran out of time but we'll catch up soon and try to squeeze atom eve in there too


i need episode 8 !!!


This episode drives me crazy because of the change to Amber to state that she knew for weeks that Mark was a superhero. It instantly turns her from someone who has very reasonable frustrations with her flakey boyfriend, to someone who is outright emotionally abusive. She *knew* that Mark had jumped in to help William and wound up getting his ass kicked...and still publicly screams at him for being a coward. It wouldn't be as bad if it was treated as a character flaw, but the show seems to be clearly communicating that Amber is 100% in the right, and Mark is 100% in the wrong, which is bonkers.

Teyon Alexander

Immortal was Abe Lincoln (hence the facial hair styling choices). Cecil comes off as Nick Fury. Willing to cross lines if it gets the job done for his country and/or planet depending on the threat. He’s definitely not 100% “good” because doing what’s needed means you can’t be and he seems aware of it. I hope you watch the Atom Eve special. Not only does it tell her origin but it’s just a really great break before season 2 - which I also hope you react to. Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix if you’re taking requests for other animated shows to pursue.


The Immortal was Abraham Lincoln

Teyon Alexander

Is it bonkers though? I used to feel similarly but I can’t help but return to the idea that Nolan doesn’t hide his identity. Eve doesn’t hide hers either. The people of this world seem to see what they want to see. They look at a hero and can’t fathom the guy they met yesterday at a coffee shop with similar features is that same hero. So the mask/secret identity thing seems more an affectation or a style choice than anything to protect loved ones. Especially in Mark’s case. His father is the most famous super hero on the planet and has been on TV. His alter ego is a published author but nobody knows he’s Omni Man so how much danger would Mark telling Amber actually put her or anyone he knows in? The more I think about it, the more it feels like Marks ego is his reason for hiding behind the mask. From that perspective, and considering he wants her to go to the same school as he does - potentially altering her career path - it’s not much to ask that he tell her he’s a hero. Especially if he’s having sex with her. If he accidentally gets her pregnant she’d need to know what she’s getting into. So yeah, thinking about all that and how bull crap his reasoning was - she’s valid for being upset. That said I can see the argument she should have confronted him when she first figured it out instead of waiting to see if he’d tell her. I just don’t agree with it fully.


Not recognizing The Immortal as Lincoln has that 'Adele losing an Adele lookalike contest" energy.


yup all my homies hate amber, overly psudo moral hollier than thou characters are the worst, i also feel like she has is a depection of those types of people that are really emotionally manipulative crybullies.


i want to address something i heard in a video (forgot which one) but i think i heard maple say she’s never watched john wick, now i’m not saying we need a whole series watch, but if she’s up to it? maybe idk, just rambling


just the first one, after watching the 4th one, idk i feel different about watching the whole movie series

Pedro Pereira

They're not sayians lol