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You can never trust a drug addict ☝🏾🤓

Chris Bruneau

Ahhh, yes! The intro of Gus, another favorite character! All the pieces are now on the chessboard.


My sister was a heroic addict for 6 years and the things she did nearly torn my family apart. Stealing, lying, disappearing and so on. It’s the worse drug I know. She was going through that when I first saw this episode and that line that you can never trust a drug addict really hit me because it’s true. She would call me up crying about needing money for food and I’d give her money only for it to go towards her addiction. She even admits to this day she’d steal anything from anymore just to get a hit. She even pawned off her kids toys. Heroin is evil.


On a lighter note Gus is my second favorite character in this show. That character transition still haunts me. I had to take a double take when his tone changed. Truly an amazing actor.


maples top is sick

Chris Bruneau

I enjoyed the long discussion at the end. A&M really delve deep and analyze the show. Yes, Skyler is indeed a character who brings out strong opinions in people. Its crazy, like Walt murders people, but sky smokes one cig and people lose their shit!

Chris Bruneau

soooo true, he is very much like Walt, one persona is a humble fast food mgr, whereas the other Gus, well.......

Ionut Pirvulescu

Why only one episode? Why not two like the other series ?


He better go for that money, can't stop the grind, Skyler wouldn't get it 💪


The bags each weighed ~2.2 lbs. In ep 9 when they finished cooking, Walter was writing down the weight on a clipboard as Jesse called them out.


Of all the events that are transpiring, sort of odd to be spending five minutes speculating on a plot twist that they're making up in their heads about missing drugs. Also, those are thick bags, with what you would assume to be about the mass of a candy, can we not just eyeball it and assume those aren't one-pound bags?


This episode ends on a door slamming as homage to Malcom in the Middle. Also heroin addicts say they're always trying to chase, replicate that first high that's why they put so much emphasis on Jesse after that first high. He really floated out of that room too

Tyler Scott

Ppl def get way too strong with their opinions on the characters in this show, which is part of why it's great and effective, but don't let their opinions influence your own feelings. Like who you like, and hate who you hate haha your reactions and opinions are what we're here for 👍 ...Skyler sucks 😂


People get defensive about Skyler because she's been the most hated character in this show forever because these two seasons she's been against the interest of the viewer, which is to continue seeing Walter break bad. Not that it's justified, it's just a character, but that's the explanation.


I'm surprised you didn't recognize Giancarlo Esposito. I didn't either but I'm not really knowledgeable in series and films. What a fantastic actor, everyone in this show is just incredible.

Jeff I.

The ones they're doing two a week of have shorter episodes.

Ionut Pirvulescu

That could be a reason, although I noticed succession its the same length as breaking bad and they still upload two episodes a week

Brian West

Appreciate the level of articulation and empathy yall have for the charscters. Good content.