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The LA Times did an obituary for Logan Ray that they published as soon as the episode finished airing. It was even more a gut punch. Made it feel 100x more real. One of the best episodes of tv of all time. I highly recommend reading it!

Jahari Fields

i was so surprised that i cried for freaking logan roy

margo m

I was dreading this episode on your guys' behalf... I remember exactly where I was when this episode aired (on the couch, expecting Connor's goofy brass band wedding that he had discussed) and then bam, absolute smack in the face... They truly put us in the same level of shock that everyone onscreen was in, this will definitely go down in history, that's for sure

Tom Fehr

oh my GOD. rewatching this with yall was incredible. my eyes are so watery. what an incredible episode. never seen something that captures a sudden family death in the real world like this did

Futuristic Girl

even though logan was not a good person, you can't help but feel what the characters are feeling. it's just a testament to the actors and the writers.

Futuristic Girl

the fact that in episode 1 he was talking about mortality


The fact that you're bawling over the death of one of the most sinister, abusive and selfish characters ever written, speaks volumes to the realism, emotional complexity, and sheer genius of this show.

Amanda K

I also sobbed the entire time I watched this episode. It was so brilliant and painful. I've never seen anything like it.

Ciara Lumaer

I'm just replying to this to put some space between the video and the comment below you because I got spoiled :( _

Javier Suarez

I was truly not expecting this to happen so early on in the season, but it was so masterfully done and is perhaps one of the best portrayals of grief on TV of all time. This episode lingered with me for days after it aired, it's just perfect.

John Locke

This episode is so heartbreaking but I one of the things that crushes me is that they didn't tell Connor after Logan was 100% gone. He never got a chance to try to say a final goodbye. But that's because he's a half brother and thus Ken, Rome, and Shiv were more concerned for each other because of that connection he doesn't have. At least that's my interpretation which comes from having only one sibling and a handful of half siblings. My youngest brother and youngest sister will always have a connection with each other that I never will.

Christophe Schannes

I was so-so with this show for the longest time, mainly because I always just found it too hard to look past most of the characters being rich, spoiled, privileged assholes. So a lot of the times, the emotional punches just didn't really land for me because I didn't have sympathy for the characters when something "bad" happened to them, like "oh no, you poor rich douchebag, you didn't get the CEO position simply because you're the son of the CEO, your pain is so real". I watched the show because the story was pretty good and it was something to watch and it was obviously well acted and well written and well produced, so it was fine to watch but I never got that invested. But this season really paid off the emotional build-up and the writing of the characters of the previous 3 seasons. The rest of season 4 is some of the best television I have ever watched.


Most realistic death scene ever. How many people received that dreaded phonecall or facetime, especially during the pandemic? Awful, visceral, real.

Shahria Chowdhury

After the grieving I got to point out how ridiculous Kendall is sometimes lol, from "I want to speak to the pilot on the phone" to telling his assistant to put all these people in a conference call within a minute including the best 'airplane medicine doctor'.

George Elsbury

It really says a lot about this episode that its one of the only reaction videos ive ever seen where the reactors were so profoundly affected they literally couldn't get the words out. Simply one of the best pieces of television ever created

Victoria E (vickster5001)

I honestly think that if you watch this episode and aren't a mess by the end, you're in the minority. It's just so incredibly well done. It feels so real and you imagine yourself going through it. All the acting was incredible. Plus knowing they got to play it once as a 28 minute one take was so impressive. I also saw the Vanity Fair video with the director and he said about when Kendall goes to find Shiv, they didn't tell Jeremy where Sarah would be, just that she was on the lower deck, so him looking around trying to spot her is completely real. Easily one of the best episodes of television I've ever watched.