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Nathan Stack

Was not expecting this at all. This movie fucking RULES. Better than the original.

Dustin Nelson

Oh man I bet this hurt, it's almost the complete opposite of the original suspiria in each category, but is almost as good. Lot creepier stuff than I'd expect from this crowd

Dustin Nelson

I wouldn't say better but parallel. The original Suspiria is about sights and sounds while light on story. 2018 is all about story and has a very strong one, but is much more grounded visually and musically, losing a bit of the spectacle

Dustin Nelson

Wonder how they'd handle the original, one of the greatest Italian Horror films out there

Patrick Anthony

This is one of my favorite movies ever for so many reasons!!!

Dustin Nelson

Also there are nearly no men in this movie, the therapist is Tilda Swinton in an elaborate makeup!

Dustin Nelson

My youtube name is "The Crypt of Horrors" for a reason lol sorry for all the lore dropping

Dustin Nelson

They're doing great discovering less mainstream horror that's fun or challenging


i do think that the original doesn't really offer much in scares anymore so the only thing it is, is a cool color theory art movie. I do give this movie marks for being extremely drab in sharp contrast.


Such a great under-seen movie! Y’all are choosing some good horrors to react to! Any chance you may consider reacting to Climax? Another weird dance horror that nobody reacts to but is visually crazy


Yeah climax is great and we might cover it someday. doesn't necessarily need to be an october movie

Mike Minerals

Goddammit Chad! Another excellent choice! I've heard you talk about Red Letter Media before and I love them so much. I have to think this was inspired by RLM's Suspiria posts last year. Nice job; keep up the good work!


are you gonna do a reaction for Talk To Me?


Lmao this movie is fucked

Pale Ale

Oh my god I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I'm surprised they're watching it, you fucked up for that 😂 🤣 can't wait to watch their reaction


i don't remember when they reviewed it but i think it was a few years ago. i thought pre covid. either way, yes, Jay put me on to this movie and i loved it


I just wanna cover some good movies. we watched four mission impossible's and my brain could hardly take it lol

Julia Contreras

I'm forever sad that Guadagnino didn't get the chance to give us his version of Inferno and Mother of Tears. This version of Suspiria expands the lore in such an interesting way, I would have loved to watch a full vision of what his Trilogy of the Three Mothers could have been. Edit: About your comments at the end, the Dr. is the one who ties together several threads of the story in a certain way. The ending allows us to understand his own simulacrum (as mentioned at the beginning). His wife warned him about the invasion and he did not believe her, and fearing that she would leave without him, he hid the ID papers from her (the ones we see at the end). His wife does try to cross the border, and since she doesn't have the documents to identify herself, she ends up in a concentration camp. But the Dr. continues searching for his wife, hiding his role in her death, because he cannot live with the guilt. Therefore, when his wife's image brings him to the dance school, the other witches incriminate him by saying that when women tell him their truth, he does not take them seriously and concludes that they suffer from delusions. Just like he did with Patricia at the beginning of the movie. And also by sending Sara after the clues he already had, he hides behind his passivity. He takes no direct action (as he didn't take any direct action to save his wife). Which ultimately leads to all the pieces falling into place and Suzy taking her place as Mother. I don't know if using the Holocaust as a background for his narrative is really appropriate, but I think it makes sense given the historical setting in which the film is set.


lol i get what your saying i didnt have high hopes for it either but its surprisingly good consider giving it a chance i think the girls would have a good reaction to it. anyways i loved the shining reaction and cant wait for doctor sleep

Nathan Bishop

It's a shame that this movie didn't have more success. Luca Guadagnino is an insanely talented filmmaker, and he expressed interest in remaking Inferno and Mother of Tears as well. It would have been awesome to see him tell stories of the other two Mothers, but I guess Suspiria was too much of a flop for that to happen. And how does this film only have a 6.7 rating on IMDb? What a joke. And I also found out about this gem thanks to RedLetterMedia. I'm also going to do a watch along of Cobweb since they also recommended it. Those guys have really good taste. It would be fun to see a reaction to Mulholland Drive. I always enjoy sharing my analysis of that film.

Nathan Bishop

Also, I'm sad I didn't get to see their reaction to learning that Josef and Markos were played by Tilda Swinton.


we watched cobweb cause of their recommendation as well so lemme know what you thought. I didn't get that one.