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You don't want a criminal lawyer, you want a CRIMINAL lawyer


If you like Saul's funny side, he's better in BB than his own spinoff. Better Call Saul cast is fat and old for a prequel and one of the characters from BB is not played by the same person in the show. I wish Vince left the BB universe alone after BB ended especially since so much time passed while shooting Better Call Saul it doesn't feel like the same world in the show and irl, politically especially and these things matter to me personally especially when you're having the goat show discussion. One of the things BB has over Better Call Saul is it's not politically correct! Also I truly think what Hollywood made in the 2000s and prior could stand the test of time far greater than the stuff produced what feels like today

Christophe Schannes

Don't let anyone sour you on Better Call Saul before you even tried watching it. It's generally regarded as one of the best prequel series ever. You don't personally have to like it but it's a good show. The fact that a few of the actors are maybe a bit too old for their characters is just an inevitability of a prequel and I think you can look past that pretty quickly, you start forgetting it after a while. It's quite different to Breaking Bad though, it's not as fast-paced and action-packed, it's more of a slow character study. But it's not boring by any means, it's very intense, it's just that you're following the life of a lawyer, not a meth boss. But yeah, Better Call Saul is set before the events of Breaking Bad and leads up to it and it was produced and aired completely after Breaking Bad was done, they never overlapped. The movie, called El Camino, is sort of an epilogue to Breaking Bad, so set after the events of the show, but it came out kind of halfway through the run of Better Call Saul. El Camino is definitely more of a continuation of Breaking Bad while Better Call Saul should really be seen as its own thing, as I said, it's quite different in tone and feel.

Christophe Schannes

Which character are you talking about that's not played by the same actor? Stacey and Kaylee? Because they were barely even in Breaking Bad, were played by extras in some small scenes, of course they're gonna recast them. I can't think of any other character that was recast, even super small roles that really don't matter and were just there as easter eggs, got the same actor.


The movie El Camino is set after the events of Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul, which maybe is just as good as BB, premiered after and serves as a prequel to the original

Eric Wall

Adding to this, I’ve frequently seen people who love Saul when he first appears go on to like Better Call Saul more than Breaking Bad. I mean, these girls pretty much hate Walter right now. At this point in his own show, most people don’t dislike Saul the way they, justifiably, dislike Walt. I mean, all these characters have moral failings in one way or another, but I think Better Call Saul keeps a lot of people emotionally rooting for the main character longer than Breaking Bad.


Better Call Saul is (imo) better than Breaking Bad. They took all the lessons they learned from making BB and made an even better, more poignant character-driven show. It's just an incredible piece of television that sticks the landing perfectly, I can't say enough good things about it. They will go FERAL for Kim Wexler lol.

Chris Bruneau

Since I am an attorney myself, this is my favorite character on this show. I've done some criminal defense work and even met a few "Saul Goodman" types, LOL. Saul became such a fan favorite, he eventually got his own prequel show called "Better Call Saul"--many, many people think it was even better than BB. Hopefully you 2 watch that as well as "El Camino" a one-off movie set in the same universe.

Chris Bruneau

Justin, Have to disagree strongly, BCS is an excellent show with real character development. Give it a second run thru, and enjoy the emmy-worthy performances. Bob Odenkirk, Rhea Seehorn, and Jonathan Banks deserved all the awards and accolades they received.

Chris Bruneau

In my opinion, you 2 should watch BB, then the movie El Camino, then follow up with Better Call Saul series. (in that specific order)

Kelli McMullin

Breaking Bad’s Final Season Ended in Sep. 2013. Better Call Saul’s First Season Started in Feb. 2015. Better Call Saul’s timeline (2002-05) takes place prior (prequel) to the Breaking Bad timeline (2008-10) but in the same Universe (Albuquerque, New Mexico). It is definitely worth the watch.

Jonah Bertorelli

Better Call Saul is a spin-off and a prequel because Saul was such a beloved character they decided to go in depth in his back story and give him his own show. The movie is a continuation of the show to wrap up a couple (somewhat) loose ends (most will say the show ended perfectly and didn't need any more) but was also made mainly as a nostalgia boner for all the BB fans because it was made almost a decade after the show ended. But it does a good job at what it attempts to do, (the two things I stated. "further resolution", and nostalgia of the show.) and is definitely a good watch if you enjoy the show which most people do.


Most of the cast looks almost the same and BCS is pretty funny, way more than BB, actually. BCS is at least at the same level as BB if not better, I actually liked it way more and BB was already legendary to me.

Tyler Scott

Definitely gotta chrck out Better Call Saul after, it's absolutely same quality level of BB and compliments it perfectly. Also, gotta add Godfather to the list for Maple to react to now since she didn't get the references by Saul haha, that would be a great one.

Tom Fehr

Better Call Saul is primarily before Breaking Bad, there's some flash forward stuff. El Camino is after Breaking Bad. All are worth the watch if you enjoy Breaking Bad. Saul is probably a "slower" show but in some ways it can be better too, the later seasons feel a lot more like Breaking Bad.


Better Call Saul is a prequel. Anything else that I say would be a spoiler, but it's set in the BB universe a few years before everything went down with Walt and I would say it's even better than Breaking Bad, which is the biggest compliment a prequel could get. El Camino is a movie after BB, don't even get close to it because it'll spoil stuff, but it's pretty good and a nice closure for some characters.


Far too negative and insulting. "Fat and old?" BB and BCS are both great shows. In fact it's one of the only prequels that maintained the same level throughout the universe of BB that felt different but just as awesome.

Jon Exler

If Breaking Bad is a 10, and it is - then Better Call Saul is a 9. You’ll have to check it out afterwards for sure!


We're watching El Camino and Better Call Saul. I already talked to Arianna and Maple about it and it's the plan :)

Jahari Fields

better call saul is very much its own show but imo i think i like it more than BB just because the new characters it has are so dam good and likeable

John Locke

Better Call Saul came after Breaking Bad. I watched the first season this summer and it's really good. Just need to find time to watch more of it. Got tied up with Succession and Alice In Boarderland.


Better call saul is very good, i expect you will watch it after breaking bad.


its good from the start but it gets really really good some point around S3


The Movie is called El Camino. Careful with spoilers. It carries on immediately after the last scene of the last episode of Breaking Bad. We'll get there in due time. ;)


Did it get a proper finale? I heard rumors of a cancellation happening?


''Not good'' my Ass. This ep's fantastic. AND; SO important.


Oh and Better Call Saul IS better than Breaking Bad btw, in pretty much every way.... That said, however; Breaking Bad IS a Masterpiece without which Better Call Saul wouldn't even exist, or be as good as it is, so wrap yer heads around that one... TL;DR; Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould are GENIUSES.

Nick Kessler

I think Better Call Saul is a masterpiece and in some ways better but I like Breaking bad better.

Nick Kessler

BCS did come out after Breaking Bad and El Camino. I'd try and stay from as many spoilers as possible. If Chad has seen the shows i'd have him or someone screen all the comments before you read.