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Patrick Anthony

A truly underrated episode that I like a lot! The last three episodes of this season is, for me anyway, an emotional wallop! Can't wait for those reactions!


This is one of my favorite episodes, as well as the whole "Mencken storyline" being my favorite storyline. This episode has just so insanely massive stakes compared to previous episodes, that how dark these characters and this business is really comes to light.

Patrick Anthony

S3 really illuminates the nature of how disgusting they all are and the nature of their business and ultimately the fabric of our society if they can continuously get away with doing stuff like this on various levels. I love how it’s emphasized how peripheral this all is to them as they talk shit about their new step-daddy while also “choosing” the next President. These idiots are wicked and when they fuck up people are harmed but they will always be fine as billionaires attached to an acclaimed name. Sick stuff. I love it. 😂

Shahria Chowdhury

Do we know when the next episode will drop?

Tom Fehr

9 days since a succ episode :(


they're coming tomorrow to finish recording. The last episode of Breaking Bad took em out so they're coming back tomorrow to finish up what they missed.


what i'll say for greg this episode is that the one time he actually grew a spine to say something, it was actually in service of the country. i actually think it's way more impressive than growing a spine to serve your own interests.

Kat Ball

@maple if you like the piano music intro I *highly* recommend listening to all of the soundtracks for the show by Nicholas Brittell. They're amazing and make for great listening!


I am so confused. I joined because I love your reaction videos, but no sound or video? Are all videos like this? I thought they will be in the YouTube style. 😭😭 Am I missing something?