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Chris Bruneau

For Jesse, this episode is the definition of "hitting rock bottom"


i think because walt is our protagonist it's easy to side with him but up to this point jesse feel like a useless tag along so i think this episode is very important for making jesse a sympathetic figure. you feel really bad for him when he's crying and walt is being a douche nozzle this episode so it helps you move your loyalties over to jesse for an episode. really good timing.

Silver Hawkins

I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate how emotionally intelligent you are. It is one of the main things that really sets this content apart.

Lance Allen

In Breaking Bad, Episode Titles can be important. I'll say no more.

John Locke

Jesse is the only person I feel sympathy for in this show. He's got issues and he's not a great person but compare him to Walt and Skyler. I get so uncomfortable whenever they are on screen together. But with Jesse, I just want to give him a hug.