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M. Night is still out here too, walking the streets with the rest of us, like nothing ever happened. The justice system has failed us.


the only relief at all to be had from having seen this movie is to be present while someone else who loves the show sees this absolute shit show of a movie to feel validated in our hatred, feeling the same wordless frustration ... so thank you And lol you're right Arianna, like everyone else, i was physically wincing every time you said Iroh's name that way early in the series, but it wasn't anything about you, it was just trauma from having seen this vile crime against nature So satisfying to hear you rant about what a gross and worthless pile of mistakes this movie is, thanks again! P.S. Legend of Korra has my vote too


also (just listening to you talk about the names now) and the honoring the culture of the names is a bullshit excuse for him trying to be artsy or something dumb because half the time they say "uh-vatar" and avatar is a fucking word in English so he is clearly full of shit (ahahaha your hype-ass anger here about 2:09 is chef's kiss lmao)

Alvin Everett

The Legend of Korra WILL lift your spirit. We were all confused and angry when this came out and are very skeptical about the live-action Netflix show

Jonah Bertorelli

The thing he messed up with pronunciation is that he wanted to use "correct" pronunciation and not whitewash it like the show did, but he whitewashed the cast. I want it to be completely whitewashed or completely authentic. Either make them talk with accents the whole time, or in a legitimate native language and make me read subtitles, or if you're going to cast white people, and have them talk with American accents, they should say ALL THE WORDS with American accents, including their names and stay accurate to the show. Now when people hear anyone use the ethnically correct pronunciation, they will just associate it with this mess. He did everyone a disservice, the writers, the fans, the ethnicities involved and the characters.



Aaron Farrell

you two should watch the screen rant pitch meeting for the movie. It's pretty spot on.

XRay24 Marinecrops

Honestly first time I watched it I broke the cd and I didn’t even finish it


Whoa excited for the Netflix live action coming next year


Also aang never "started getting it" he was able to water bend immediately. That's why she was jealous. So the fact that he couldn't even do it in that scene is wrong

Oscar Villalobos

“There is no movie in Ba Sing Se, here we are free”