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Alvin Everett

The Legend Of Korra has 3 of the best villains in the entire franchise. While Aang is more of a Hero’s journey, Korra’s themes are a little more adult-ish

Jim Frykman

I voted yes, but idk if really needs to be back-to-back right after the first series.


YES! Just sit back and let Zhu Lee do the thing! If you like the lore and the world they created you will like it. If you go in expecting just a continuation of last Airbender you might be disappointed.

Travis B

I would like more films over another show.


I've loved your reactions to ATLA and think you would really enjoy watching Kora as long as go in with an open mind. There are definitely things I don't like about Kora but overall I loved it and think there are some seasons/story lines that are really great.

Jeff I.

Honestly agree with this one. I'd take two shows and two movies a week over three shows and one movie. More variety if someone isn't interested in one or two of the shows.


I think it is best to wait a while and let The Last Airbender marinate for a bit. Going straight into Korra will feel disappointing and foreign, just because you are still so invested in the OG cast, and Korra is pretty different. Waiting a few months is probably the best call imo.


Very wise, The disappointment is probably inevitable but back-to-back would definitely be very jarring.


OMG I beg you please


Korra is not nearly as bad as some of these comments make it out to be. 99% of reactors who react to Korra after ATLA really enjoy it. A lot of Korra haters have an ATLA nostalgia boner. Most of Korra's criticism comes from season 2 not being written well which is a justified criticism (certain episodes are still great that season) but seasons 1, 3 and 4 are all around well made, albeit different from ATLA. I know for a fact you guys will like the show. I can't tell you how many times Ive seen reactors get scared off from the show because of dumb comments calling Korra a bad show and when they finally watch it, they are very confused why the nostalgia boner people hate it with such burning passion. Different doesn't equal bad. Not as perfectly written as ATLA doesn't equal bad. It's a good show and every avatar fan should watch it.

Woz Lee

I never even finished watching Korra. That show was weird, it felt familiar but awkwardly distant as well. Most people, myself included, were interested in the show to find out what happened to a lot of the characters that we know and love, but the show runners seemed to want to stay away from addressing the original cast except for a few references here and there. The end result being you're not really getting what you came to the show for, and the show itself? In my opinion Aang's influence was sorely missed. Lots of the conflict in ATLA stems from Aang being a naive vegan monk trying to find the good in everyone and everything. Most of the conflict in Korra stemmed from her just being an egotistical moron. Then there was something that happened, I don't want to drop spoilers, but something happened that made one of the coolest aspects of the Avatar no longer possible, and there were other implications of that decision that annoyed me so much I couldn't continue watching.


Kora would have been so much better if they planned for 4 seasons from the beginning, but even if they did it , as well as any other animated show will never top Avatar

August Svarén

Dont watch it. Season 1 is fine but 2 ruins everything in a way that its not avatar anymore.


What could you possibly be referring to?