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Eric Wallace

The single episode at a time is killing me! Chapter 9 is another solo but 10 and 11 are a single piece. So are 17 18 19 and 20. They should be viewed as a movie reaction instead of individual episodes. Most youtube reaction metrics will tell you this as well. Avatar last Airbender finale part 1 and 2 across the last 4 epsiodes

Martin Robertson

Don't worry, Arianna. Blood bending is taboo in most water bending circles. So once she goes home, Katara will never blood bend again.


This may be my favorite episode after tales of ba sing Se


this episode was released around Halloween, fits the vibe well

Andrew Howard

Something I heard pointed out that I thought was really cool, was in the fight between Katara and Hama, Katara pivots for a moment into more of an Earthbender approach. Whenever Hama is defending against Katara's attacks, she does the traditional waterbender move of redirecting it in a circle around herself to curve back towards her opponent. But at a critical moment, Katara avoids the traditional move and meets the water head on, just smashing Hama's biggest attack out of the air, and you can see it catch Hama by surprise. I don't truly know if it was really intended to be that, but it makes me think back to Uncle Iroh teaching Zuko a move he learned by studying water bending, and I think the group of them all traveling and training together has helped all of them improve themselves, and gain versatility that other benders haven't really had the opportunities to develop. Overall the episode is really great. This season has a ton of absolute bangers, but this one stands on its own more than most, but still packs a lot of emotional weight, despite being very episodic.


i think this episode was actually a halloween special.

Jonah Bertorelli

It's so crazy how you guys predicted blood bending, metal bending, lava bending, mud bending, all so early on. I can speak for a huge majority of the fan base in saying it was hard asf not to spoil it and say YO WTF HOW DO YOU KNOW?! on that video you guys talked about all this in. lol I've waited till this episode to comment this to make sure I didnt' spoil anything

Stephanie Hundley

That’s Gran Gran, not Kataras Mom, which is why Hama is Gran Grans age, not as old as their Mom would be :) most people get that mixed up, even me the first couple times I watched this episode. Like the others have said, we’ve been waiting since you talked about blood bending for this episode, great predictions!

Devin Reddish

Hi I’m new here, are we not supposed to be able to hear the video or is this an error?