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Martin Robertson

I really fucking hate the use of the word "retard" in this show. Makes me so angry. But this was 2008 so people weren't quite as PC about disabled people back then. Hell, they're still not in some areas. What I'm trying to say here: Never use the word "retard". Or "spastic". Ever. Under any circumstances, to any audience. Your disabled friends will thank you. They say they don't mind you using the words, but they do.


Yeah different times, I know a few reactors who continuously use the words "spastic" "retard"


Letsss goooooooooo@

Michael Bauer

Like other things in the show, it's meant to present the kind of character Hank is: Yes, he's loyal, competent, a good uncle and brother-in-law, and usually well-meaning - but he is also at times quite unempathetic to people outside the rather conservatively defined norms of his suburban life. Making some ableist comments and displaying some traits of toxic masculinity is part of that. Similarly for the guy Walter has in his basement - definitely not a good guy. Definitely not a character that would care about being empathetic. It's not an endorsement - I mean, our main characters cook meth and kill people, and it's absolutely not an endorsement. Just like racist characters using the N-word - I don't get what the problem is supposed to be. They're not supposed to be nice people, or progressively minded people - so why should their speech not include things we may disapprove of? Their actions already do, and we recognize it as an apt part of the characterization.

Michael Bauer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 16:29:31 I think the "gateway drug" thing really came about from people not understanding statistics (and those who do, but are willing to lie about it). Yes, maybe >90% of people who shoot heroin/snort meth started with alcohol and/or pot - but on its own, that does not tell you anything. First, you'd need to also know the percentage of people who use(d) alcohol/pot but never anything harder. But even then, correlation is not causation - and it may be (probably very often is) the case that many people who abuse drugs starting with (but not necessarily limited to) pot have underlying issues which make them gravitate towards drug abuse, and pot is just usually the first illegal thing they can get their hands on.
2023-07-03 10:54:25 I think the "gateway drug" thing really came about from people not understanding statistics (and those who do, but are willing to lie about it). Yes, maybe >90% of people who shoot heroin/snort meth started with alcohol and/or pot - but on its own, that does not tell you anything. First, you'd need to also know the percentage of people who use(d) alcohol/pot but never anything harder. But even then, correlation is not causation - and it may be (probably very often is) the case that many people who abuse drugs starting with (but not necessarily limited to) pot have underlying issues which make them gravitate towards drug abuse, and pot is just usually the first illegal thing they can get their hands on.

I think the "gateway drug" thing really came about from people not understanding statistics (and those who do, but are willing to lie about it). Yes, maybe >90% of people who shoot heroin/snort meth started with alcohol and/or pot - but on its own, that does not tell you anything. First, you'd need to also know the percentage of people who use(d) alcohol/pot but never anything harder. But even then, correlation is not causation - and it may be (probably very often is) the case that many people who abuse drugs starting with (but not necessarily limited to) pot have underlying issues which make them gravitate towards drug abuse, and pot is just usually the first illegal thing they can get their hands on.

Jeff I.

I have to agree with Michael. The whole point of some of these characters is that they say insensitive/rude/crass stuff regularly and that there's a reason for it (i.e. not simply to shock/offend). It's like people complaining that Tarantino has characters using racial slurs, particularly the n-word. It's like, first of all that kind of language is just part of his writing style and to be expected (and can be fitting for the time period like Django), and secondly, most of the time these aren't the most reputable/upstanding characters talking like that, so it makes perfect sense in the film's universe.

Chris Bruneau

Girls, this show is absolutely fantastic. please be patient, a lot of the characters are a little unlikeable at first, but you will grow to love all of them, in different ways. This show will make you laugh and it will make you cry. (my wife balled thru half of season 5) I cant wait for you to meet Saul Goodman......


Yes Chris it is fictional dialogue but it is still being said by actors on screen for a tv show that is meant to be taken seriously and is aired to thousands of people. I think it is fair to be irritated by use of slurs or words that are now understood to be offensive, but I also think it is productive to be aware of the time this show is set in and the fact that these characters are fictional.

TinCan Cosmanaut

I really disagree. Don’t do it now but don’t change the past. Show it. Like Game if thrones rape scenes. Don’t enjoy it but don’t hide it. It’s throws you into the raw unpleasant time. The best shows like breaking bad, sopranos, succession all have ugly characters who say nasty things. But I’m an adult, don’t fluff it up. Let me see it as if real people were there.


It doesnt make sense to me to want to watch a show that features murderers and stars bad guys and then be annoyed when the bad people in the show about bad people with "breaking bad" in the title use naughty words. also hank says hella racist stuff throughout the show and you're honing in on the thing he says that personally annoys you? seems hypocritical and cherry picking. i would recommend shows about nice people who don't want to hurt people's feelings if you're trying to avoid rude speech.

Martin Robertson

There’s a difference between rude speech and DISCRIMINATORY speech. But I was more referring to the fact that I’m glad people these days have picked up on that kind of language and there’s less of it now.

Mike Minerals

Your wife got halfway through Season 5 and bailed? Did I read that right? No judgement but why not either bail on a show sooner or just finish it?

Chris Bruneau

Balled not bailed!, we both enjoyed it very much. But it is an emotional roller coaster

Ian Hillan

I love so much that so many of these characters have things about them that rub me the wrong way... Hank having zero problem using retard as an insult, Skylar and her sis being shocked and concerned about pot, and sure that it will lead directly to heroin, Jesse's obvious shortcomings and Walt's mental justification for crossing moral boundaries. They all have very human flaws. We don't have to agree with them to appreciate them as characters. In fact, it's kind of an important theme of the show. That sequence leading up to and including where Walt kills Crazy 8 is just so good.


these guys calling Skylar a square as if being straight edge is a bad thing 💀

Martin Robertson

Well stop. If you ever meet a disabled person they’ll thank you for your intelligence.

Curtis Murphy

Skylar told Walt jr not to say Yo because of Jesse.