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Christophe Schannes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-27 23:29:23 Skyler is... complicated. I think the main thing to remember is that she's not evil. She's just kind of cringey. And her flaws are just that, simple human flaws. I'm just trying to prepare you because as much as you are somewhat annoyed by some of her energy, try to imagine what the reaction by like Reddit dudes in 2008 was. Or better yet, don't. It was ugly. Anna Gunn got death threats. Without spoiling where her character arc goes, it's clear from the first two episodes that Skyler is going to be a foil to Walter for at least some time. And that alone was enough to enrage people. Because there were a lot of guys that wanted to see Walt do his thing and get tough and cool, and didn't want the "nagging wife" in the way. That last interaction between them, where Walter tells her to climb out of his ass, was/is celebrated by a lot of these dudebros. I'm just telling you all that because every time I see people react to Breaking Bad, there are always some of these guys in the comments trying to convince everyone how evil Skyler is.
2023-06-27 13:24:28 Skyler is... complicated. I think the main thing to remember is that she's not evil. She's just kind of cringey. And her flaws are just that, simple human flaws. I'm just trying to prepare you because as much as you are somewhat annoyed by some of her energy, try to imagine what the reaction by like Reddit dudes in 2008 was. Or better yet, don't. It was ugly. Anna Gunn got death threats. Without spoiling where her character arc goes, it's clear from the first two episodes that Skyler is going to be a foil to Walter for at least some time. And that alone was enough to enrage people. Because there were a lot of guys that wanted to see Walt do his thing and get tough and cool, and didn't want the "nagging wife" in the way. That last interaction between them, where Walter tells her to climb out of his ass, was/is celebrated by a lot of these dudebros. I'm just telling you all that because every time I see people react to Breaking Bad, there are always some of these guys in the comments trying to convince everyone how evil Skyler is.

Skyler is... complicated. I think the main thing to remember is that she's not evil. She's just kind of cringey. And her flaws are just that, simple human flaws. I'm just trying to prepare you because as much as you are somewhat annoyed by some of her energy, try to imagine what the reaction by like Reddit dudes in 2008 was. Or better yet, don't. It was ugly. Anna Gunn got death threats. Without spoiling where her character arc goes, it's clear from the first two episodes that Skyler is going to be a foil to Walter for at least some time. And that alone was enough to enrage people. Because there were a lot of guys that wanted to see Walt do his thing and get tough and cool, and didn't want the "nagging wife" in the way. That last interaction between them, where Walter tells her to climb out of his ass, was/is celebrated by a lot of these dudebros. I'm just telling you all that because every time I see people react to Breaking Bad, there are always some of these guys in the comments trying to convince everyone how evil Skyler is.

Michael Kang-Beats

Whenever reactors I like start Breaking Bad I always send a note (I don't know if they ever read them) letting them know that Breaking Bad commenters are the most toxic. I've seen two reaction channels literally quit reacting because of the commenters. This is just for people who have watched the series: https://youtu.be/S3Znvb39kQI Go to 44:36. You get about 20 minutes of the creator absolutely roasting the incel chuds whose only purpose in life seems to be to torture any reactor that might empathize with Sky at all.

Chris Bruneau

Guys, don't fall into the "hating Skylar" trap. the actress herself received a lot of hate from online trolls (boys living in their Mom's basement). the true brilliance of this show is watching a Normal man fall from grace.

Woz Lee

Nobody should be expected to subvert their opinions because some idiots on the internet think everything they see on TV is real. Walt's house in Breaking Bad is a real house, real people live there, and to this day people go there and throw pizza on their roof because they saw it on the show. Normal people don't need to be told that isn't a nice thing to do, but that's not going to stop inconsiderate idiots from doing it anyway. Anna Gunn did a great job of portraying a very unlikeable character. We don't need to pretend the character isn't annoying and unlikeable because some mentally ill people are incapable of telling the difference between a TV show and reality.

Jonah Bertorelli

Or you could let them form their own opinion on her. Telling people "she's not that bad" is just as negative on someone's watching experience as someone saying "she's horrible" you're trying to fix their opinion trajectory, just let them react. And then comment your rebuttal when someone posts their negative comment. But pre-emptively commenting to steer them before someone else tries to steer their opinion of her is just as bad in my eyes. SUPER hypocritical. IMO. She's a complex character and you could watch this show over and get a completely different vibe or opinion on her. So saying she's loved or hated, or saying "you should look at her through this lens" ruins all of our watching experience. Just like saying "you guys are going to love or hate this next episode" you may not think that's a spoiler but it 100% is.

Ian Hillan

Joined your patron for this show. Hope you have a good moderator to weed out the spoilers. On to episode 3!

Curtis Murphy

She isn't annoying and unlikable. You should examine why you feel that way buddy