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Anybody want some Sausages?



i keep saying this but greg and tom are my favourites

Patrick Anthony

"it's a bottomless pit" YES! And I love how it just gets worse and worse and uglier and uglier. I hate Logan so much but it is fascinating to watch his psychology wreak havoc on literally everyone around him and how he imprisons especially his kids to the weight of his legacy which he also denies them. It's horrid, but great TV.


Love your reactions as always, rightfully or wrongfully (probably the latter) I do feel a lot of sympathy for Roman. He's a little shit but it's like, as they've said before, he's the 'weaker dog' so he's punished for failing when it's the role the family have cast him in. It's so true with the pint of milk price thing - although reminds me of (paraphrasing) what Kendall says in 1x07 that Logan is almost jealous/resentful of everything he's given his kids. They are lucky, privileged and out of touch but he made them that way and then punishes them for it. Such a good show/season ugh love


love seeing you guys react to the post show stuff again! i just enjoy seeing jesse & co. dive a bit deeper into the eps. so excited to see you guys react to 2x04 next. prob one of my fave all time eps of the show.


the part that makes me feel anything toward roman is that if he could just get a little bit of "you're my son and i'm proud of you and i can't wait to see what you choose to do with your life cause whatever it is i know you're going to do it in style. if you need anything , i'm here." i truly believe that if he had been told that, then he'd have been able to stop being such a petty backstabbing sniveling tool.

Kris Khachikyan

Excited to see you guys react to the next few episodes. It gets better each episode

Lemuel Daher

Love these reactions but I’m surprised how little they care about Roman lmaoo


dude nooooo aha, he's just a different flavour of damaged. Like that was fucked up for s u r e but they're all terrible people, he competes with Kendall because he's been taught to he's just bad at it, not to bring it round to the dog pound stuff from season 1 but he's like the weak, beaten dog. He's a bitch but like, they're all as damaged as each other. Will die on this hill haha