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I know the episode numbering is weird but the last two parter combo'd the episodes as one but if we try to shift it i think i'll just get confused and i'm too ADHD for that shiz.
forgive me for it being annoying. 


Jayshawn Robinson

RIP original uncle Iroh. in book 3 the VA is replaced bc the actor of Iroh (mako) passed


Important to note that it said in memory of Mako at the end of Iroh's tale. Mako was the original voice actor for Iroh until he passed away from cancer shortly after filming the second season. This was his imo the perfect send off for the man who created a character we all came to love x

Isis Peoples

Tale of Iroh is an unfair gut punch NO ONE is ready for. I've seen this series a million times and I can watch this tale without tears. However, today I sobbed. A happy cry a good release. But you guys faces of utter shock broke me. 💔


Welcome to the club of people that tear up on a title card! The Tales of Ba Sing Se is brutal


Reminder: you ARE allowed to pause, ladies. Especially for The Tale of Iroh. :D Nobody would fault you for that. Everyone needs time to process that gut punch. I am really anti-spoiler, but you deserve a heads-up...fair warning for the next episode: BRING TISSUES.


I only watched ATLA for the first time this year, and the Tale of Iroh totally crushed me and made me cry hard. According to the interwebs: The words in the top left of Lu Ten's portrait can be roughly translated as: "General Iroh, I will see you again when victory is obtained. Your loyal son, Lu Ten."


Still can't quite keep myself from tearing up on "Tale of Iroh". I don't know how many times I've seen it, but that's pain right there.

Gavin Frink

Very important fact about the end of Iroh's tale: It says "In honor of Mako." Mako was the voice actor of Iroh, who sadly passed during the production of this season of ATLA. This episode was one of the last that Mako voiced.


I think everyone with a heart who saw "The Tale of Iroh" wept seeing this episode. Just amazing storytelling

Jim Frykman

Happy belated birthday, Chad!


Happy birthday, Chad.

Ronald Foster

Someone actually liked Don't Worry Darling?


clip that iroh cry, wrecked me


dang i binged too fast 😢 gotta wait for more but the reactions are so pure they made me cry with yall 😭 poor iroh

Eric Wallace

Are we going to get another batch of episodes today?


oh man.. the next episode is gonna be rough for you guys feels wise

Andrew Howard

The Tale of Iroh is such an emotional gut punch, I don't know if I've ever seen it and not cried. I think it says a lot about Iroh's character that his biggest emotional loss just made him work that much harder to try and help whoever else he could.

Stella Keil

Iroh is an outstanding example of goodness. If I can achieve to have only half of his kindness, his gentle heart and understanding, I can be proud of the person I've become