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Jeff I.

Glad you liked this one, Maple! I was blown away the first time I saw it. Robert Pattinson is the Twilight guy you couldn't think of the name for. He got hate for being part of the Twilight series, but he's actually a really good actor. I'd suggest the crime thriller Good Time with him in the lead, it's amazingly well done. There's also The Lighthouse if you want go the more artsy drama route. Pattinson and Willem Dafoe kill it in that one together.

Gavin Frink

You're right in assuming that this movie is based off of a written medium. The Dune books by Frank Herbert is an amazing and super long series. Herbert took a lot of inspiration from Arab cultures & the book Lawrence of Arabia, you can see it in this movie but it has been watered down a lot in comparison to the books. Dune pt. 2 comes out this year and it should only get better than this. Can't wait to see it and your eventual reaction to it.

Bubba Fett

If you don't want to ruin part 2, I would absolutely recommend reading the books. It's a fully developed universe that is very intricate and as inclusive as this was, it leaves out so much. You could read the first book dune up to the cut off with the journey to Seech Tabr for better back story without spoiling the ending. There are some major plots left out as well as an important but fun dinner scene that is completely skipped in the part one film and better explanation as to what's happening to paul.


Paul's visions don't appear to be 1 to 1. Jamis is a friend in his visions, who teaches him the way of the Fremen. But prior to the fight, Paul sees that vision that says "Paul Atreides must die for the Kwisatz Haderach to rise." and that "When you take a life, you take your own." So in killing Jamis, he both follows the directions, and in his own way, Jamis taught him something about the Fremen's culture.

Woz Lee

Loved this movie, was great to have an excuse to watch it again. The original novel is a masterpiece, the follow up books were pretty decent, up until God Emperor. It starts getting real Ayn Rand where the characters just serve as a vessel for the author's twitter thread regarding their personal philosophy on the state of the world.


"If you see the police, then you better Warner Brother."-ActionBoyz (as seen on a t-shirt years ago)