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Excited for this one ;-) A more modern cowboy movie, but really well done.

Andy Crawley

One of the best westerns ever made, although it’s not really a western, more just a revenge tale. Kurt Russell wears facial hair like no one else!


Brother I know you don't do this professionally but you're just objectively wrong. It is still illegal to post full movies online. It's stealing and I could get sued by the studios directly and you're not gonna pay my legal fees. Grabbing a copy and watching along is not impossible. In fact I do it for the reactors that I'm a patron of.

Ryan Wilson

So me get this straight, You will put video clips and sounds on YouTube for about 29-30 minutes. A website that will cancel your channel quicker then shit for even putting a little bit of music in a fan video(my first channel got canceled for doing that). but you can't do it on here. a website that was created for doing full non-cut reactions. hypocrisy isn't it?


brother, patreon was created by jack conte as a way for fans to directly support creators. not to get away with bootlegging copies of movies. movie reactions didnt even exist when he made patreon. and of course you can't post full reactions on here cause you can't do it anywhere. I don't own tombstone so I can't sell $5 a month access to see a movie I didn't make. Remember those "you wouldn't download a car commercials"? copyright law is still in full effect. and the edits I put on youtube fit under a legal protection called "fair use". the movie is cut to pieces in order to be "transformative" and no longer a substitute for just watching the film, thus making it legal for me to do. so no, I'm not being a hypocrite, I'm a person who's researched how to do my job legally. You haven't done this research cause it isn't your job so I'll agree not to go to your work and tell you how to do your job either.

Ryan Wilson

Well reaction means thoughts which means narration throughout the video. and under the the case of Equal three, LLC v Jukin Media inc the court noted that a narration weighed in favor of fair use. there you go.


Make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after. It's a reckonin'

Andrew T

I really dig the fact it's Maple reacting and there's a Tarot reading scene.

Andrew T

So, maybe someone here knows…Robert Mitchum, who narrates Tombstone, pronounces "Los Angeles" with a hard 'g.' In The Big Lebowski, Sam Elliott pronounces Los Angeles with the same hard 'g' in the opening narration. Was that a callback to Tombstone, or is that just the way some people (or people in the old west) pronounced Los Angeles?

Frankie H

"It's called Tombstone because a new one is produced every 2 seconds. Step outside, new tombstone" -Maple. That's a great line from Maple. I couldn't stop laughing. This was awesome.

Code Monkey

For your western consideration: Young Guns I and II as well as Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven ... and for a Western / Matrix hybrid, maybe the first season of HBO's Westworld.

Bryan Erickson

Someone’s watchin the PIB feed! I’m good with it.