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Jakarta (the location in the start of the episode) is one of the world's biggest grain/ flour distribution points and fungi/ mold grows very well in flour. If you notice in Episode 1, Joel and his family were out of baked goods and did not eat any of the cookies or biscuits when they were offered to them. Edit: I forgot they explain this in Ep3

Alex V

So the Mycelium network aspect of the fungi is adapted from the real world but was not part of the original game. In the game, one of key vectors of infection was through airborne spores, but the creators decided to change it because that would have required the actors to spend a great deal of time wearing a gas mask and they felt it made less sense from a survivability standpoint. In the game, anytime you encountered the spores, your character automatically donned a mask and that was your cue that you were about to fight the infected. Sorry I hope that wasn't too much of a spoiler since it's not really part of the show, but I think it's an example of one of the cool, but pragmatic ways they adapted the game to a live action television series that I feel adds something worthwhile to the story.