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Samuel Bruce

What's crazy is I believe they shot the robbing and getaway scene in one shot, which makes it feel more tense and real too. When we were watching this as it came out, it was under the HBO format so ya had to wait a week, leaving time to chill out lol.

Andy Crawley

My favourite episode of the first season, the tension after the end of the 3rd episode was insane so when this one came a week later I was on edge the whole time, and the final 6 minute long one shot was incredible, no wonder the ep won two emmys! This whole series was endlessly quotable, my band at the time used as a sample a lot of Rust’s monologue about “human consciousness being a misstep in evolution” from the first episode (we were a vegan band, also had an Ian Malcolm one from jurassic Park and a long one from Aronofsky’s Noah), so from a nihilistic, anti-faith, anti-mankind point of view it was a meme-able dream! I’m curious whether the girls will watch seasons 2 and 3 after this as well? Season 2 was unfairly maligned in my opinion, I enjoyed it a lot. I think a lot of people just assumed it would be season 1 mk.2, and when it wasn’t they just hated on it and refused to watch it for what it was. Season 3 was great again, and went back to that similar Southern Noir vibe of S1, but not enough people watched it.

Andy Crawley

Also, maybe let them know that they only have 4 episodes to go not 6, so that’s two hours less that they have to be stressed for haha.

Jeff I.

itsbeen84yearstitanicmeme.jpg :-)


i joined patreon for one reason. True Detective. WTF!!? you just stole my money.