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The ode Leckie recites was taken from his memoir “Helmet for My Pillow.” The reason why I prefer “The Pacific” over BoB is because it portrays a theatre of war not often depicted and does so without a romanticized lens. I also have a more personal connection to the Marines depicted due to my Great-Grandfather’s time as a grunt in the Corps starting from the beginning of the war at Guadalcanal to the end at Okinawa; my own time in the Marines has also skewered my favoritism towards “The Pacific,” haha. Having said that, it’s definitely a hard series to watch and there is no shame in not finishing the series due to the graphic nature of the Pacific Theatre. Keep up the good work y’all. S/F

Jeremy Skye


St. Luisifer

John Basilone's defense isn't depicted as desperate as it really was, In reality he fought the Japanese for three straight days without food or rest alternating between a pair of machine guns. Eventually before dawn of the third day after running out of ammo he had to resort to his pistol and a machete to hold his position. The actual brutality of the battle itself is almost to the point where it would seem unrealistic if portrayed on screen.


true that. coming back from Iraq to Camp Pendleton was like coming back from Mars. I mean i thought the drums on St. anger sounded good for a hot second. thats how fucked my brain was.

Young Blood Priest

There is a break in the next episode. Between BoB and Pacific I do prefer the Pacific. Long before this series came out I’d already read two of the books the series is based on, “Helmet For My Pillow” and “With The Old Breed”. The Old Breed I like best. Is this why I like this series more? Not sure, but I don’t think it’s because I’m damaged or desensitized, though I can understand why you’d come to that conclusion. It’s just real and unapologetically so. That being said I do have to warn you. After episode 3 it gets worse so if you have to drop the show I totally understand because it is a lot.