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Andy Crawley

I always preferred the 2nd one when I was a kid, always seemed way more fun, plus I desperately wanted a Talkboy! Apart from the old man next door, no one is a likeable character in this. Kevin is a little shit, albeit he doesn’t deserve to get abandoned by his family. His mum completely overreacts to his little tussle with Buzz at the beginning, even though everyone could clearly see Buzz wind him up, and banished him from sight to the top of the house for the ENTIRE rest of the night. She could’ve punished him by making him pack his suitcase and then checking he’d done it before they all went to bed. Then they could’ve had a nice time in Paris, and come home to a flooded and ransacked house. Let’s face it though, if you own a house like that the dad would’ve had insurance covering everything, and likely they’d have probably just blamed Kevin for leaving a tap on or something. None of his family really give a fuck about him, I guarantee by Boxing Day he’ll be in trouble again.