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Joshua Luzania

Lysa was also recently in Loki S2. I'm not sure if either of you watched that on your own time. Also, an idea for Arriana to tell us her thoughts without maybe spoiling Maple, she could right it on the whiteboard and show the camera lol.


I know right now it feels overwhelming trying to understand all the moving pieces, but the show does a pretty good job bringing it all together as you keep watching. So hopefully you dont put too much stress on understanding and can enjoy it. Loving the reactions though!

Mark Lecuyer

totally agree... there is so much info being conveyed, so much world building that you are not (I least I didn't on y 1st watch) get everything. The white board stuff is great - just only do it if it provides you enjoyment. Once it becomes 'work' - then put them down and just watch. The show will meet you in the middle of the knowledge you need.

Mark Lecuyer

I love the conversation between Cersi & Robert.(the acting & writing in the scene was amazing). Personally, I feel there was a moment early in their marriage that she really liked him and would have been 'loyal' to him if he would have given her a chance. I feel their first child died naturally and that loss with Robert's unlove towards her is what drove her in other directions.