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Replacing The Bear

  • Game of Thrones 251
  • The Sopranos 84
  • Arrested Development 40
  • The Good Place 113
  • Band of Brothers 68
  • What We Do in the Shadows 45
  • The Boys 87
  • The Expanse 38
  • 2024-07-25
  • 726 votes
{'title': 'Replacing The Bear', 'choices': [{'text': 'Game of Thrones', 'votes': 251}, {'text': 'The Sopranos', 'votes': 84}, {'text': 'Arrested Development', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'The Good Place', 'votes': 113}, {'text': 'Band of Brothers', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'What We Do in the Shadows', 'votes': 45}, {'text': 'The Boys', 'votes': 87}, {'text': 'The Expanse', 'votes': 38}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 25, 18, 50, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 726}


Okay y'all, the girls need a new show to replace The Bear and these are the shows we're considering based on y'alls comment history.
winner of this poll replaces The Bear

PS. had to redo the poll since the good place was on there twice



Sorry, had to redo the poll since i had the good place up there twice last time. please revote if you already did

Demented Avenger

You guys haven't seen GoT yet?! Holy crap. That's a must for any reaction channel. You girls Will be blown away.


Rooting for the Good Place!


It gotta be between Game of Thrones and The Good Place. Both phenomenal but I prefer Game of Thrones for the dramaaa


I'm sure something like Arrested Development won't win. It's a pity cause given their recent circumstances and them voicing needing a bit of a break from heavy shows before, it might just be the perfect option. Just thinking at it from their perspective


Didn’t they already react to Band of Brothers?


Voted What We Do in the Shadows, but if we were allowed multiple choices, I'd also champion Arrested Development and Good Place. Expanse is excellent, but it starts real slow and is not everyone's favorite. I've long gotten over Game of Thrones last season, so it'd be fun to rewatch the show for their reactions.


Maple has not seen BOB Arianna would help guide her through the show! (Emotional Support lol)

Rick Le Mon

The Good Place should make for some great reactions, but I can't believe the Expanse isn't doing better. It's probably one of my top five favorite shows


I say game of thrones but be prepared for the long journey ahead into winter, cause we all know ,……WINTER IS COMIMG! But WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS is a pretty damn funny show

Ronald Foster

Well Sopranos is an option so I have to pick it.

Joe Lopresti

Good Place>Boys>GoT imo

potato salad

have they seen the What We Do in Shadows movie?


Voted for The Good Place... Not entirely sure why a grim 73x50-60m drama is being pitted against a 53x22m comedy anyway, it's difficult when all these shows have such different audiences ;-;


😮😮😮 I cannot believe anyone would want to subject you to Game of Thrones after how it (very) infamously ended. The show runners basically "quiet quit" their jobs while looking forward to their (at the time) Disney Star Wars trilogy deal... which got cancelled due to fan backlash over how they handled the ending of this once-beloved show. I could see maybe jumping on the last two seasons just for the unintentional comedy, but that's it. The Boys would be nice, but I don't think you could deal with the gore, honestly 😂 What We Do In The Shadows would be way more up your alley! It's peak comedy, which you probably need right now.


There's so many good choice but I went with the Good Place to give the girls another fun light-hearted show to watch since I think they could use that at the moment.


Yeah maybe they should start with the movie first :)

Donkey Lips

Just remember, not a democracy. There's no law that says the poll winner has to be the winner. I agree with others, do something less serious. You have a lot of heavy shows and need a good comedy. If not the Good Place, then Always Sunny.

Jesse S

Good place if you want comedy, feel good vibes and philosophical life lessons 🙏


Not moving my vote off the Expanse because it's clear what's gonna win but I'm not super jazzed to rewatch Game of Thrones sadly

Chris Bruneau

Chad, glad your doing a poll. I love Game of thrones, but the last season is a mess. looks like its way ahead with my fellow patreons, tho.


Always sunny if I was to pick something else

Bryan Erickson

I agree on GOT S8. It definitely falls flat, but that doesn’t change the fact the first 6 seasons are some the best tv or cinema ever produced. Plus there are a few episodes in the final 2 seasons that are well worth it.


Yeasssss. Regardless of how you feel about GOT and the ending, it remains one of the best shows to watch people react to. Gonna be soooo gooooooood 🫠


I voted for The Good Place for the sake of comedy and a lighter vibe. However, I am curious to see their reaction to GoT lol. Despite everything, I still love that show and always have fun when people react to it, good or bad.

Woz Lee

Has to be GOT if they haven't seen it.

James Long

Couple anime suggestions for future animated show polls: Frieren, Cowboy Bebop, Steins;Gate, and Monster.



Woz Lee

That's what would make the reactions interesting, you'll get to experience them watch some of the best TV ever produced, and then be right there with them watching it all fall apart. The main challenge with Game of Thrones will be Chad letting them know that it's okay to not like it, without spoiling anything or putting them off. Reactions to terrible stuff can often be as, or even more, entertaining than reactions to good stuff, one of my favourite Maple and Arianna reactions was to a terrible movie called Troll 2. I agree with What We Do in the Shadows though, I love that show, but I assume they'll get around to it.

JD Sharpe

I’d go for Game of Thrones but it turns to pure shit basically the second Season 5 starts.


I share the same thoughts. I think it’s very possible Maple and Arianna go through stages with the show; at times they’ll like it, hate it, or love it. And I’m interested in seeing those reactions and what the catalyst would be. Whenever they feel comfortable, of course.


@Woz Yeah, I mean I can see that... but that's a hell of a lot of time and emotional investment for what would amount to a prank for me. Like with Firefly, people actually love the show enough that it's not "time wasted" when you hit the end and realize what a tragedy it was that it ended so soon with so many questions unanswered. With GoT, though, I feel like I was pranked by the show runners and I don't want to touch any part of the franchise anymore. It was all just time wasted, and then they mocked our intelligence like a kick in the gut. If it was one or two seasons, sure... but 8? So in terms of wanting to experience that again... I mean, personally, I prefer to reserve schadenfreude for people I don't like, but to each their own.

Owen Kosik

Who on God's green earth actually wants to rewatch game of thrones, come on guys


One day, The Expanse may have a chance. One day... 🙂


damn it looks like the best show on here (The Sopranos) doesn’t have a chance 😐😐😐😐


Yellowjackets is an absolute gem. 3rd season drops next year. Anyone looking for a a incredibly well done, newer show check it out. Much like Mr Robot, for the acclaim it gets, it is criminally under represented in the "reaction space". It is so weird to me.


I would recommend Ozark

N. S.

How is The Sopranos not winning!? I’ve never even heard of The Good Place lol

Kedric Sophus

Snowfall or the terminal list


GoT? seems a bit late considering how much public discourse has soured on it with the decline post season 4.

John Cedar

Bc its an older show and honestly kind of depressing a lot of the time, despite how great it is. The Wire, Snowfall, or Oz are also great shows, but not exactly a small amount of episodes or a nice subject matter. A good amount of the shows they've watched are depressing dramas, so I think viewers want to give them a break from that. The Good Place is basically intro to philosophy in a TV show with some good comedy, wholesome moments, and a genuinely interesting plot.

Bryan Erickson

Why do I feel like even if GOT dominates, there was always a 0% chance Chad would choose it?


Didn't Arianna already watch Band of Brothers? I thought that was how I found your channel.


I know it’s dead last but the original arrested development run is some of the funniest tv ever made. It would be a nice change of pace.


Even though I don't love The Boys, I think it would be a bit fun to watch the ladies watching such an over the top violent debauched show. lol.

Steve Johnson

I'm not sure I want to go through GoT again.. Maple would dig the Expanse imo

Stanley Etienne

The Sopranos is the best and most consistently excellent show on this poll. An absolute classic

Chris Bruneau

New Banner!!! I like it!

Michael Buhl

My dream is that you would watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. My next biggest dream is that you would find a streaming service that has Kids in the Hall and Reno 911, and watch those. My third biggest dream is that you would watch Cunk on Earth.


I voted for it! There's a lot of great shows here but I'd love for them to have a little more lightheartedness this year after all their loss, then get into something darker again later on.


Everyone vote for The Good Place, please. It' s amazing from start to finish, unlike certain other shows.


Just know that if it's GoT, your comment sections are gonna be absolute hell on earth.

David Diaz

I know GOT is winning right now but I feel they need something right now that is lighter and healing. The Good Place did that for me during similar rough times pretty well.


Voted for GOT and I expect that to win the poll, but please please please feel free to go with a more light hearted show instead if it's what you need right now.

N. S.

Yeah it is certainly dark my comment was more or less some joking shade to Game of Thrones haha and ofc respect to The Sopranos. For a light hearted show Arrested Development is one of my personal faves. Might check out The Good Place though next time I am looking for something new.

Peter Moe

GoT is gonna be lit.


There was a time when I would have been so incredibly hyped for another GoT reaction, but man I find myself not even able to stomach watching the glory days of the show, despite the masterpiece it was at the time, because of its horrific decline after a certain point lol. Even the beginning is a constant reminder of not only what could have been, but what should have been.

Queen Tee

The Sopranos then GOT.

Jack Cooper

Game of Thrones is winning but I dont recommend, the show gets depressingly worse with each season, I dont think I can watch that again lol. I dunno how u girls pick what to watch next, if the winner always gets chosen or the poll is just to give an idea but from this list Sopranos is the best show hands down, also VERY funny which makes a good balance with all the drama and violance. It's a good spot to fill now that Breaking Bad is ending too.

Dee Aitch

Haha, I voted Arrested Development to give them more of a break, but I'm not gonna cry if GoT wins.


100% agree with that. There are quite a few shows with bad endings but none that have so thoroughly ruined the entire show for me than Game of Thrones.


The Expanse is very underrated, probably because it's a Canadian production with mostly very unknown actors (apart from maybe Thomas Jane and Shohreh Aghdashloo) but it's hands down one of the greatest Sci-Fi series I have ever watched. Definitely worth another consideration because it's unfortunately probably never gonna win a poll.

Foaming Clean

Ugh. Please Arrested or Good place. Game of Thrones is 50% trash and a tone they explicitly asked for a break from.

Fatal Spoon

GoT makes sense to transition into House of the Dragon, but my heart still feels that there's always money in the banana stand

Damien Lupo

I'm already seeing a lot of these comments, so sorry for being redundant but...I voted for GoT, and it looks like it's going to win. Honestly, I would not have put it on this poll though. It has beautiful images and great character development, some of the best discussions between characters in anything I've ever seen. There are shocking moments that feel earned and aren't just for shock value, but mostly...it is just truly, truly hard to watch certain scenes. And there aren't just a few, there are many. If you're coming off of Breaking Bad and some other hard to take emotionally shows, I'd shelve GoT for now. I don't know what you should watch next instead though. I hope you do Severence season 2 when it comes out! I'm rewatching season 1 with your reactions and it's been fun.

Jesse S

Why people voting game of thrones after that awful ending


GOT is just prime reaction content. Even with the end it’s such a good journey that they honestly should experience it. Good, bad, ugly it’s one of the most iconic tv shows of all time. And then they can hop on house of the dragon and react to new seasons as they come out.


People say this but the reactions go so hard. 😭 even when it gets “bad”. I’m currently watching the studio gek guys react to it and it’s the best reaction content. Got at it’s worst is still better than the majority of the shit on tv in the last decade


GOT fandom is feral af… but it’ll also probably pull a huge audience/more subs for their channel. Pros and cons to it but I def think they should watch it at some point. It’s a cultural staple and its reaction gold mine.


Lots of reaction channels have done it recently/are currently watching for the first time with HOTD coming out. It would be fun 🫠


lol our breaking bad comments section is already a cesspool. gotta roll with the punches :)


this time we're going with the poll winner cause i dont want to pass on the top winner twice. generally i use polls for data collection but if the people want GOT then we can give em GOT. cheers for the second half of the show haha

Tom Fehr

omg thrones!!!!

chloe betten

Ive seen and loved this whole list, and I look forward to seeing your reactions, but I just had to say that The Good Place is a show that gives me so much joy, that I'm really looking forward to you both watching it cuz I know youre gonna have a good time ^_^

Damien Lupo

Nah, you're right. Fuck the whole series because some people didn't like the way a series ended. Maybe on a rewatch of the whole series, you'll see that the ending wasn't awful. Or maybe you'll still decide it's awful. That's fine. The point is to let people watch for the first time and make up their own minds about what sucks and what doesn't. And I don't think the end sucks. I'd like to hear their opinions first. Still, all that being said, I don't know why I voted for GoT, given the fact that right now we are looking for some more positive, laugh-along fun stuff. I've never seen Good Place, but, it has a good name, gave chloe so much joy so, maybe take a break from the harsh stuff and watch that for a bit.

christopher b swanson

i have many thoughts and suggestions BUT i could not be happier as a fan of the ladies than to see Game off Thrones winning, hell yeah............medieval succession........


Arrested Development for 3 glorious seasons... Sigh

Damien Lupo

Okay, is there a way you can just take one vote off for GoT, then? I already commented below that I voted for it, and I'd like something else to win because it is really not a fun watch and there are too many people telling you the end sucks, so save it for some other time and everyone else just let Maple and Arianna watch the thing and then decide what's good and what isn't.


Definitely. Just hope that Chad watches the comments for em for spoilers and buzzkills.


@Jesse, I've said before that GoT is one of the rare shows where the ending actually did ruin the show for me to a large extent, in a way that isn't quite true for other shows with awful endings like HIMYM or Sherlock. But I still think that this question is kinda ignorant ^^' obviously a lot of people still enjoyed GoT through most if not all of its run; while the criticism got sharper for season 7 and 8, even among casual fans, there is still a large contigent of people who think the end was fine. Maybe a bit contrived and rushed and stilted but hey, at least we got some cool battles right? I don't agree with that opinion but I'm also a fervent book fan who thinks the show already went downhill halfway through season 4, but sadly book fans are in the minority when it comes to GoT fans. So yeah, there are still a lot of people who have fond feelings for GoT as a whole even if they don't super love the ending.


Look, I’m glad there are people out there that feel that way and enjoy it. I have no issue with those that do, but I just couldn’t disagree more. I’m excited if this does transition into HotD since it’s been a great return. But I’ve tried over the years to watch when a new reactor starts and it’s just a constant “oh yeah, this plot line goes nowhere or gets ruined” lol. Also, at its worst it is definitely not better than almost anything to me. Hell, at this point, the girls have reacted to plenty of shows and they’re all better than GoT at its worst.

cat named toebean

Please dear god game of thrones, but please ladies, don’t go on your phone during the intro, it’s very vital to helping you learn locations and keeping up with where characters are going to be


I agree with you btw Christophe. I can't think of any other show that ended so badly it retroactively made me think "what's the point in rewatching this?" haha. even shows where I didn't like the ending much (cough, succession) it didn't taint all the stuff that came before, it's so unique.

Mark Lecuyer

my two cents: You two definitely should do Game of Thrones (at some point) - it is awesome - one of the best shows ever...but it is very dense, intricate and not light at all (as awesome is season 1 is - there is so much world building that you are asking 'who is this again?' or 'which house is which?' ) But as stated before, you two have been watching many very intricate shows recently (plus personal live challenges). I would suggest watching one of the comedies (Good Place or Arrested) to close out the summer. I would hold GOT until winter. GOT has 1Hour long (yes, solid 1hr) HBO episodes which are probably best for the winter (no pun intended) I am in for whatever you watch - just GOT is so great that I want to make sure you two are in a situation you can enjoy it.

Lucas Hale

Have they ever watched The Wire?


Do wanna be the last fire truck to a house you know burns to the ground or a witness to the unfolding of a sci-fi flowers pedals that will never be repeated only immulated?... Watch the Expanse.


Also would love to see shameless on the next poll x

Claudia S

The Good Place and Arrested Development would be great once you finish Ted Lasso! Arrested is pure comedy gold and the Good Place is funny and smart and emotional.

Almat Baiduisenov

3 Body Problem! React to 3 Body Problem! Come on guys!