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Thank you all and we are sorry!!



So very sorry for both your losses. Don't worry. We'll be here.


THANK YOU EVERYONE. Going through and reading these comments truly made my day. The kind words and understanding truly mean a lot. 💕💕💕


Y'all are the best, take all the time you need. l got chills listening to this Maple and my heart goes out to you and Arianna. It brought up a lot of bittersweet memories having lost a brother a number of years ago who was only 35.

Andrew Clifton

I Just joined a few days ago for Breaking Bad mainly and ive already decided Im here to stay. These things happen on every channel I've ever supported. I am terribly sorry for y'alls loss and I truly wish that you get through it alright. Anyone who has a soul wouldn't complain about schedule situations bc of this shit. I just got here but you guys are already in my top 3 movie and show reaction channels. I fucking love u guys. Don't ever change and always be who you are. Heart ❤️ I wish I could squeeze both you right now. 🙏 Stay well and keep your head up.

Andrew Clifton

Also, though some of us are always here to listen to you vent, don't ever feel like you owe anyone an explanation. And you never need to apologize.

Claudia S

Girls I'm so sorry for all that you've been through :( I appreciate that you tell us this even though it is not you obligation to do so. I know you say we are strangers and we technically are, but I think I speak for many of us in the community when I say after all this time following you and watching you, we genuinely care for you and your wellbeing! Sending you big hugs and lots of love ❤️