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I think they dislike Walt guys

Sosa brady

i get what u guys are saying between the difference with Gus & Walt but u guys gotta remember. Gus was in the game for 15-20+ years. Walts is in it for 1+ so far from what we’ve eve seen. Of course he wont be at Gus level. How do we kno Gus wasnt bad during his first couple years? He even said it himself he made alot of mistakes in the beginning. How do we kno walt couldn’t do the same 5 years from now? So that comparison dosnt make sense at this point. We saw Gus as a finished product not at the very beginning. Also i dont think he necessarily wants to be Gus. He dosnt wanna be like gus. Theyre both different type of people. He wants to build an empire like gus yes but do it his way long as he makes money i dont think he cares how its made. Gus ran things different at a higher level with lots more people involved. walt does not want to all that extra stuff. He wants his own empire but just differently at a smaller level where he gets more of the profit and not as big becuz of his family involvement. Where as Gus did not have to worry about family or friends. It definitely would of been cool to see how Gus got started as well tho

Silver Hawkins

Except Walt's flaws are not a product of inexperience. The main prerequisite for learning is humility. Walt has none. He already thinks he has nothing to learn. That he is better and smarter than anyone. His ego makes him incapable of learning or growing, because he does not think he needs to do either.