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breaking bad is amazing because every scene is thought out to pay attention to the lightning, atmosphere, the subtle expressions of the characters and dynamics of why its great. Along with having different interpretations of the characters in a scene and discussing it. Not specifically just huge moments or about bad the morality of what the characters are doing. They purposefully put in humanizing moments to make the audience go back and forth. Like the way the lightning is on a character in a scene is important alot of times towards how they are meant to be seen, along with the fact that colors have meaning. A lot of times characters show more than a wide range of emotion and expressions in emotional scenes in this show. Eventually, you can tell when walt is lying and when he is being genuine through subtle details for example. Speaking of the thought out detail, how much thought the writers put into this train heist. Or how much time they had to wait for wind for this shot at 26:22 Just something to keep in mind, all these reasons are why the show is popular and held up as peak television not just "Walt is such a badass" or Walt becomes more Evil

Tim Martin

There really isn’t much TO say after this episode. By the way, meet Todd 😂


The outro lol. Too good.


Jesse did say no one can find out... Jesse's character arc over this whole show is remarkable. He's unrecognizable from the stonebag you meet in season 1. For that final sequence I love how much time they spend on the train coming down the tracks, it really sets the tone for the scene and builds tension beautifully- nothing feels rushed or drawn-out. It looks like an old western- with Heisenberg being the Jesse James. I also like the correlation between Todd & the tarantula and how they took opposite decisions when placed in similar situations. In the beginning the spider has a perfect opportunity to bite Drew & at least try to escape being caught in the jar. Todd is also given an opportunity to hurt Drew so they don't get caught, and he does so. Todd is presented as scarier or more of a threat than the spider. At the end the spider is trapped in the jar & Todd is a free man...

Chris Bruneau

This episode is one of the most intense in the entire series! The editing and the music make your heart pound in your chest. Also, its a tip of the hat to the famous train robber Jesse James and the entire genre of western / cowboy films. Also, on a lighter note: the girls are finally introduced to Todd, the most polite, well-mannered psychopath ever to appear on screen :)


Like a lot of the best liars, Walt doesn't just say 'things that aren't true', he uses half truths, lies by omission, he says things that are true in unbelievable ways and tells selective truths to shape the narrative he wants. And the entire time he 100% believes what he's saying. It's an impressive skill, to buy into your own bullshit while you're spinning it. Great reaction, and a really fun train heist... until the end 😞 I love that all the pretense has dropped from Skyler and Walt's relationship. The Walt/Lydia scene is interesting because here we see a burst of what 'Heisenberg' is like for people who don't know Walt as well as we do: scary, ruthless, clever, almost reasonable-sounding, but would murder you instantly. This is the myth of this magical anonymous chemist, the bald guy in the hat, who cooks the purest blue meth, killed Gus Fring, pulls off incredible plans and never gets caught. Walt cooks meth, but "Heisenberg" is his real product.


"Good guy Todd" as Garbage Reacts said the other week before they saw this episode haha >_<


Great catch on Marie's yellow in the photograph, I never noticed that! Funny that Maple thought it meant everything was going to crash down. No, just coming into "contact" with Heisenberg, with the bug on the back of the picture, is enough to merit a warning of yellow :)


Lol. Two girls react to 1 dead kid


OMG excuse me, what? Tarantulas migrate????


Loved the reaction at the end!


Ah, yeah. Back when I lived in California, some friends invited me to go camping with them, so I brought my gf, who happens to not like spiders. Turns out, when we get there, we're in the midst of "tarantula season" -- yes, "tarantula season", as it's described to us -- where they migrate for mating purposes. My gf just about noped out altogether, but I managed to calm her down enough to stay overnight. A few jump scares later (from handling camping equipment and uncovering the bastards), we extended our appreciation for the invite and headed home.


Jesse Plemons who portrays Todd is just fantastic! Hell almost everything I've seen him in he's been great


Ladies, I hate to break it to you (unless you've already watched the next few episodes) but this show gets DARK. The quirky, dark comedy of weird desert people doing stuff is all but gone from here on out. Best of luck. I suggest Maple's cute dog to keep you company for the rest of the series.

Jeffrey Phillips

The last 3 episodes are going to be challenging for them