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Walt got rid of Crazy 8, Tuco and Gus.. Cartel is gone as well.. He's at the top and on a massive power trip. And if you look at the Walt of Season 1 Ep 1 that is kind of amazing.. but yes.. at what cost?

Tim Martin

Tick tick tick….is time running out? Will the time bomb explode? Y’all don’t hate Walt yet…you just think you do 🤭 Next episode is a good one. Looking forward to the reaction!


Gretchen and Elliott’s money was right there bro


Walt is truly buying his own bullshit at this point.

Sara Something

That car scene never fails to make me cringe out of my skin. Almost reaches Skyler happy birthday levels.

Chris Bruneau

the girls are realizing Walt is becoming a true monster, its all Heisenberg, all the time now. Also, that watch is a Tag Heuer Monaco, one was worn by Steve McQueen in the film LeMans (1968) --very nice!


Great reaction, living for when Ariana can't contain the rage. The bedroom scene is so good. "I thought you were the danger" I was waiting for this line ever since you laughed at the OG speech! Walt's delusional, from the moment he first put on the porkpie hat. Unfortunately now he's in a position where nobody can stop or challenge his delusions. Even his wife's best plan is to delay, stall, wait long enough for his 'cancer to return', oof. He really thought he could have it all, evil drug boss millionaire career + happy family home life, as if those haven't bled into each other for the past 12 months. Walt's very clever but he's not very observant - he should have observed that Gus didn't have a family, Mike only has his granddaughter, he even manipulated Jesse to end things with Andrea... so he must know deep down there's a reason for this. The oft-quoted definition of insanity, "doing the same thing again and expecting different results", as if there's a magic combination of words that will make Skyler be happy + fine with her kids living in the house of a drug kingpin... like how he manipulated Jesse. From Skyler's perspective it's been a harrowing year lol, your loving mild-mannered good father + husband transorming into this. I'd walk into the pool too. Bonus: I always crack up when Hank awkwardly says "heyo, pool party!" 💀


46:22 he still cares about his family but also is a megalomanic. Which is why he still wants skyler to love him despite all his evil doing.


48:38 hmm gus had threatened to murder his family and he was willing to allow himself to get killed by gus to keep them out of danger before he came up with a plan to poison brock. Walt is a evil evil man and is currently at his worst, but he does have moments of humanity is something to keep in mind.


Honestly unpopular opinion. Without spoiling, nothing has never made me completely hate walt yet. I mean I love to hate him in certain ways but more of in awe of how well-written he is rather than HE NEEDS TO BE KILLED OFF! Probably that main character bias and his character depth. I'm just interested to see what he does next because he drives the story. In following him from the beginning, a part of me holds on to the insecure working two jobs, chemistry teacher who was depressed and wanted to feel like he mattered in the world. This is not to say that I don't recognize how awful of a person he is in a lot of ways.


the moment Skyler didn't turn in Walt and decided to help Walt in all this her sympathy goes right out the door all this could have been avoided if she had the courage to turn him in or at the very least decided to not help him and divorced him because he signed the paperwork and she could have kept him out the house so she is to be blamed for at lest putting him back into there lives but besides that Heisenberg not Walt because Walt is pretty much gone, is delusional on what is going on thinking u can keep those to worlds separate its cool to c what two people with power do with there money and there power Walt buying and expensive car and Gus driving a ten year old car not drawing attention to himself and staying calm and collected and Heisenberg acting out on his emotions


I think they dislike Walt


Part of the show's marketing would say things like "All hail the king" referring to Walt. The majority of the audience was rooting for Walt when the show aired


I do feel bad for Skyler but I agree she isn't innocent as she herself notes

Tim Martin

Can’t wait to see them later in the season. Maybe they should pace it out hehehe. Spread the hate 😃

Damien Lupo

Mmmf! oh get ready.


No need for them to pace their hatred of Walt. It's been at full measure since Jane's death, the alpha and omega of their reactions to this show.


Next episode is choo choo motherf*cker

Eric Wall

I didn’t realize until this rewatch that during s4, when Skylar is worried Walt’s in danger, she comes out very strongly in favor of going to the police. That’s a big reason why Walt keeps lying to her about the level of danger. But now that she *knows* there’s an incredible amount of danger; danger she takes seriously enough to get the kids out of the house, she *still* isn’t going to the cops. Kinda reveals that it was a bluff all along.


I seriously don't understand how even to this point someone can come to the conclusion that Skyler is a bitch and Walt is the guy "who did it for his family". The writers couldn't be clearer.


She is a coward, she said it herself. That's not a bad thing, she hasn't done nothing wrong, she's just not strong enough to ruin Walt and their family, Walt is.


Does he love his family or is that all an excuse to keep himself confident that all he does has a purpose?


Oh, so you haven't watched the whole show yet. Oh, I would give it a rewatch, for sure, it really cements some things, especially after BCS.

Chris Bruneau

Somebody on another channel just went off on me for making this very point!


Jesse would never have even met Jane if not for Walt saving him from an Emilio or Krazy-8 kill

Tyler Miller

Walt is definitely scum lol. That being said there is a difference between hating a character and hate watching. Like do you even like the show? Also she keeps saying she doesn’t understand. Nothing to understand. Walt is an egomaniac and delusional about people not liking him. It’s really that simple. Just accept him for the asshole he is and enjoy the show lol.


Fr it’s so annoying hearing Arianna yell “I don’t understand” like babes, we’re in season 5, how could it be made any clearer to you? Walt sees himself on top and that he’s made it through everything before, he can make it out of anything else that comes at him. He’s a control freak. I don’t know why they’re freaking out when he tries to control things.


Skylar can still be a bitch! Two things can be true at the same time! She’s still a bitch for the actions she took, and Walt is scum for his actions! No one is excusable in this show!


You guys told Walt to lean more evil and are mad he’s being evil😭even if he is being condescending lol

Colorado people’s press

Everyone mad at you for hating Walt too soon. He’s a piece of shit he’s been a piece of shit. Like

Colorado people’s press

It’s fine to be constantly annoyed with a character lol. Like you seemed to be annoyed with Ariana and you are still watching lol.

Csaba Simon

Gosh, patreon needs a dislike button. These takes are not bad or hot anymore. They're outright horrible and delusional. And before any angry replies to my comment. I don't like Walt, I don't root for him. He's a horrible person, so don't come at me, I'm not a lunatic fan boy of him.

Zane Platt

People keep saying this but it isn't the issue. The issue is inconsistency. Always has been. Walt is supposed to be disliked at this point, the issue is that they often hate on him for stuff that doesn't actually make much sense. He was right to want to destroy the evidence, he was right about the pest control idea, he was right about the legacy cost issue etc. yet their dislike of Walt as a person cloud's their judgement of Walt overall. That is the issue. They literally gave a pass to Gus for using and killing kids. It is just super inconsistent

Zane Platt

For the most part, I am just waiting for them to get to Better Call Saul so I can enjoy their reactions to this world again. I dislike Walt as a person (like anyone sane does) but the level of vitriol and inconsistent judgement just makes the reactions less fun and more frustrating for me personally. It is nothing against them as people, I enjoy so many of their reactions (love their shogun reactions so much) but yeah, I am much more excited to watch them react to BCS because it is my favorite show and I feel like they will be refreshed by it


I think it is mostly a problem with breaking bad reaction culture tbh. Like, you have to understand that you guys are watching the series for the first time, but a lot of people who are watching alongside you have watched the series over and over and over again and can help to guide your interpretation through comments (I know because I recognize a lot of the names in your comments lol). Because of that, y'all have a VERY different viewing experience than most people who are watching the show for the first time. I think the real genius of the BB/BCS universe is how it misdirects, gaslights, and lies to the viewer the same way that Walt lies. Throughout the course of the series, it is supposed to be gradually revealed to us just how shitty of a person Walt is; and, underneath his facade, always was. All the signs are there, but we are too blind to see it until it is too late. We get tricked just like the people Walt is tricking. Usually, when people watch Breaking Bad for the first time, they interpret the story as Walt "transforming" into Heisenberg. Usually, it really takes people until the second viewing to really see just how shitty Walt is from EP1. I think what's happened is that the "reaction commenters community" has come to the correct conclusion that Walt is a shitty person through lots of community discussion of years. Then when they watch new reactions and the reactors notice the clues, the commenters amplify it a lot. Then they point out all of the tiny details of Walt being manipulative and shitty that are just really hard to pick up on when you watch it for the first time. I think this "problem" is really obvious with your whole generation of reactions. People hate Walt from episode 1 in reactions now. I think that's partially due to what I said above and partially due to cultural shifts: Walt exhibits a lot of the classical narcissistic gaslighting that people much more aware of nowadays than they were when the show was airing, and that is much more obvious when everyone is excited to point it out to you the small details of his shittyness haha. Walt's toxic masculinity makes him entitled, prideful, and arrogant, and that just wasn't a super well defined notion for people in 2008. I think a lot of people who "defend Walt" are really just trying to play into his lie a little more. I feel like reactors just have a real sense of the depth of Walt's lies from the very first episode. Because the comments point everything out, reactors really don't miss anything on first viewing. I think some people are kinda frustrated because y'all see through the lies too easily, and I also think some people are just weirdos like Walt, so it's a mixed bag.